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Graham Slee Elevator EXP, MC Step-up Trafo

Produktinformationen "Graham Slee Elevator EXP, MC Step-up Trafo"

Graham Slee Elevator EXP MC Step-up Trafo

The Elevator EXP will give you hum-free sound, purer bass, greater definition and much more of your music.

In the beginning you'd buy a step up transformer (S.U.T.) to be able to use a moving coil cartridge. But they hummed and did weird things to the bass. The Elevator EXP changes all that.

The Elevator EXP is supplied with the PSU1 power supply, and a choice of voltages and power plugs.

Make Your MM Stereo Phono Amp Do Moving Coil

The Elevator EXP is designed to step-up the tiny moving coil signal to the moving magnet level of a hi-fi phono amp input.

It Also Let's You Adjust To Taste

Whereas some moving coil cartridges will happily give their best with 100 Ω loading, others can be quite particular.

Rather than fiddling around with links or DIP switches, the Elevator EXP gives you all its loading options up front, right there on the front panel - making it easy to get your sound right.

Suitable Cartridges

Low output moving coil (MC) with output in the region of 0.15 - 0.8 mV (ref 1kHz at 5cm/sec)

The Elevator EXP must always be used between cartridge and a moving magnet sensitivity input. It must never be used 'post EQ' - after the moving magnet phono preamp.

Technische Daten (englisch)

Input range0.15mV to 0.8mV
Output (for input range)2mV to 10mV, suitable for a moving magnet phono stage input
Maximum input378mV rms (a very large overload margin)
Maximum output4.914V rms
Gain22dB (13) < 10Hz to 917kHz (-3dB points)
Input impedance23, 30, 100, 840, 1000, 5100 and 47000 Ohms
Output (driving/source) impedance300 Ohm
Recommended load impedance47k Ohms phono stage preamp input
Noise at output-99dB CCIR Q-pk
Frequency response< 10Hz to 917kHz (-3dB points)
Channel balance0.2dB
Channel separation64dB
Size (approx.)W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 180 (mm) inc. jacks
Hersteller "Graham Slee"

Graham Slee


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Graham Slee / PhonoPhono e.K.
Bergmannstraße 17
10961 Berlin, Deutschland
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PhonoPhono e.K. / Peter Lützelberger
Bergmannstraße 17
10961 Berlin, Deutschland

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Weitere Produkte + Angebote von Graham Slee :

Graham Slee Accesion MC
Graham Slee Accesion MC inkl. PSU 1 Enigma Netzteil, MC Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee Accesion MC inkl. PSU 1 Enigma Netzteil, MC Phonovorverstärker All is not what it seems... The Accession MC (and MM) answer the age old question: "wouldn't a constant EQ slope be better?" Yes it would! You see, RIAA EQ is a compromise built on the limitations of the 1950s, when one problem created another. And that's all because of the cartridge... Simply put, magnetic cartridges don't have a flat output. News to you? Well it would be, as you've always been told different. Your cartridge might have come with a plot showing you how flat its output is? But they use a constant velocity test record! The cartridge output actually rises by 60dB (one thousand times) between 20Hz and 20kHz. And to make it so valves could cope, RIAA obliged by putting a kink right in the middle of the record's frequency response and some boost in the lower bass. And it's been like that ever since, and probably always will. And with the NEW PSU1 Enigma micro-signal power supply those results will be even better! The standard PSU1 power supply has powered our phono stages, MM and MC, through a number of great reviews since its introduction in 2000. However, Graham Slee had refused to accept moving coil as superior no matter how hard he tried to the contrary, which simply led to us making better and better MC phono stages, which have delighted our ever increasing customer base... but not him. During development of the Accession MC he found the much revered technique of PCB ground planes could be improved by also hard wiring ground returns. According to the experts this makes absolutely no difference, but the difference was immediately audible (all Accession MCs are supplied with ground paths hard wired). So his thoughts turned to the PSU1, and the application of Kirchhoff's current law and its violations. So, what else has the Accession MC got going for it? Loading It provides 4 cartridge loading options: 1] the standard 100 Ohms many MC cartridges are specified as; 2] 300 Ohms. Why? because it is logarithmically the double of 100 Ohms and our hearing is logarithmic; 3] 500 Ohms - the maximum the design can do without compromising noise; and 4] 75 Ohms by selecting both 100 and 300 Ohms. Volume control A manual volume control active on the variable "var" outputs which can be used if the Accession MC is to drive a power amp directly. Required power amp input sensitivity will depend on the cartridge output, but a 0.3mV cartridge will cause around 350mV at the variable outputs. Also note this volume control can go fully clockwise without adding distortion to the Accession MC outputs (awesome!) Different EQs RIAA is the standard recording EQ for most records, so that's right-hand switch down. But you might have (or could obtain) some older long playing classics from the 1940s and 1950s recorded to NAB or FFRR - those were the most popular American and British EQs before RIAA. And what is CA/Flat? It's what the record really sounds like without any equalisation: it is the Constant Amplitude output after applying the Accession's cartridge equalisation to make it Flat. Mono Adding left and right channels together and dividing by two means mono records played on a stereo cartridge will sound mono, and that's what the Accession mono switch does. Use it to remove the left-right swaying effect a slightly eccentric mono record can have. This A+B/2 switch will not render stereo as true mono, giving a "tunnel" effect to stereo sound, so ensure it's switched up when playing stereo records.   Technische Daten (englisch) Item Measurement Input and output connectors 360° shielded RCA/phono sockets, hard gold plated Input sensitivity range 0.125mV to 0.84mV (recommended) Output range (for above inputs) 145mV to 975mV Maximum input 4.2mV rms Maximum output 4.876V rms Gain 61.3dB (1161) at 1kHz Input impedance 500, 300, 100 and 75 Ohms (300 plus 100 both on) Output impedance (driving impedance) 750 Ohm fixed OP/ 470 Ohm variable OP (will drive ≥10k Ohms) Noise at output -65dB A wtd. 20Hz to 20kHz 0dBu out Distortion typically 0.02% 20Hz to 20kHz RIAA accuracy ± 0.3dB (sampled) Frequency response 20Hz - 100kHz (±0,−1dB normalised) Channel balance 0.2dB Channel separation 60dB Power supply remotely powered using PSU1 linear power supply Size (approx.) W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 195 (mm) inc. jacks

1.599,00 €*
Graham Slee Accesion MM
Graham Slee Accesion MM inkl. PSU 1 Enigma Netzteil, MM Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee Accesion MM inkl. PSU 1 Enigma Netzteil, MM Phonovorverstärker The Sound The impeccable sound of the Accession stereo phono stage preamp takes music from vinyl and sets it on a new higher pedestal – it's what all vinyl lovers will want to hear. Previously overlooked technology has been perfected to extract much more of what's hidden in the music on vinyl records. The resulting sound from the Accession hi-fi phono stage preamp is considerably closer to the music laid down at its recording. Keeping Interference Out The Accession goes further than ever in keeping interference out: it has a solid ground plane board; multiple layers of radio frequency filtering; high immunity design, and the V2 casework has stainless steel "gaskets" behind front and rear panels which seal against electromagnetic disturbances - they provide conductive shielding in contact with board grounds which anodised aluminium panels alone cannot do. The Features And Their Benefits The package of features the Accession phono preamp provides makes it really flexible allowing it to fulfill a number of roles. Adjustable and fiexes level outputs Volume/ output level controll RIAA/ NAB (American) and FFRR(British) vinyl record EQ's Flat/ CA (constant amplitude) alternative EQ Mono/ stereo switch Four cartridge capactive loading options: 100pf; 200pg; 320pf and "out"   Technische Daten(englisch) Item Measurement Input and output connectors 360° shielded RCA/phono sockets, hard gold plated Input sensitivity range 1.6mV to 7.2mV (recommended) Output range (for above inputs) 190mV to 857mV Maximum input 35mV rms Maximum output 5.2V rms Gain 41.5dB (119) at 1kHz Input impedance 47k Ohms plus: 100pF / 220pf / 320pf / out Output impedance (driving impedance) 750 Ohm fixed / 470 Ohm variable (will drive 10k Ohms and above) Noise at output -66dB Quasi-peak 20Hz to 20kHz Distortion typically 0.01% 20Hz to 20kHz RIAA accuracy ± 0.3dB Frequency response <20Hz - 45kHz (-3dB corrected to RIAA) Channel balance 0.2dB Channel separation 60dB Power supply remotely powered using PSU1 linear power supply Size (approx.) W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 195 (mm) inc. jacks

1.299,00 €*
Graham Slee Era Gold V
Graham Slee Era Gold V, MM Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee Era Gold V, MM Phonovorverstärker Der Phonovorverstärker Era Gold ist nicht einfach nur ein etwas besseres Gerät. Der Era Gold erschließt mit seinem kompromisslosen Schaltungs-Design neue Dimensionen der Schallplattenwiedergabe. Der Graham Slee Era Gold ist speziell für MM-Tonabnehmer konzipiert und optimiert. Durch den Verzicht auf extrem hohe Verstärkung (die zulasten der Klangqualität gehen würde) gelingt es dem Era Gold, ein bestechendes Klangerlebnis zu erzeugen.Der Era Gold arbeitet mit allen hochwertigen MM-Tonabnehmern zusammen. Grado-Systeme (Moving Iron) und High-Ouput-MC-Systeme können ebenso verwendet werden. Für Low-Output-MC-Systeme schalten Sie einfach den Vor-Vorverstärker „Elevator“ von Graham Slee oder einen Übertrager vor den Era Gold. Durch ein Schaltungslayout, das kompromisslos auf MM-Tonabnehmer optimiert wurde, erreicht der „Era Gold“ Klangeigenschaften, die in dieser Preisklasse bisher unbekannt waren. Natürlich sind alle technischen Daten makellos. Klang-bestimmende Bauteile werden selektiert, um exakte Kennlinientreue zu gewährleisten.Je nach Ausstattung gibt es diesen Phono-Verstärker wahlweise mit einem hochwertigen Schalt-Netzteil oder dem großen Analog-Netzteil PSU1.Bereits mit dem preiswerten Schalt-Netzteil klingt der Era Gold ausgezeichnet. Klanglich legt der Era Gold jedoch mit dem großen PSU1-Netzteil nochmals zu. Der Era Gold setzt ein außergewöhnlich starkes Netzteil (Typ PSU1) ein, um hohe Dynamikimpulse sauber wiedergeben zu können.Aber alle Technik und Datenblätter sagen wenig über die Klangqualität aus. Der Era Gold besticht durch eine ungewöhnlich natürliche Wiedergabe. Musik wird zum Live-Erlebnis! Der Era Gold erinnert an High-End-Röhrengeräte im positivsten Sinne! Der „Era Gold“ knüpft damit an die gute Tradition englischer HiFi-Technik an. Exzellente Technik auf höchstem klanglichen Niveau!Technische Daten Graham Slee Era Gold V Eingangsempfindlichkeit 2-9 mV / 1kHz Eingangswiderstand 47 kOhm / 100pF Ausgangsspannung 250 mV bei 3mV Eingang, 1080mV max. Dynamikbereich 90 dB Frequenzgang 10 Hz – 2.7 MHz Entzerrkennlinie RIAA / IEC (max. 0.25dB Abweichung) hohe 24V Betriebsspannung für große Aussteuerungs-Reserve wahlweise preiswertes Schaltnetzteil oder hochwertiges analog-geregeltes PSU1-Netzteil Abmessungen: Breite 11,7 cm, Höhe 5,0 cm, Tiefe 17,0 cm

499,00 €*
Graham Slee GRAM AMP 2 Special Edition MM Phonovorverstaerker
Graham Slee GRAM AMP 2 Special Edition, MM Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee GRAM AMP 2 Special Edition, MM Phonovorverstärker So Good We Went One Better The "stonking" musical performance mentioned by Geoff Husband at TNT Audio magazine in 2001 just about said it all about the Gram Amp 2. The legendary value-for-money of the Gram Amp 2 was etched into audio history right there and then. However, to show this wasn't a fluke we went one step better and made our best-selling budget phono preamp: the Gram Amp 2 Special Edition. Supplied with a basic ("green energy") power supply with self adjusting voltage, and with power-pins fitted to suit your power outlet — you can upgrade by swapping over to PSU1 power as and when you're ready. Cartridge Partners The Special Edition will not be found lacking in the company of the best high output cartridges. But where budget dictates, less-costly cartridges like Audio Technica's AT95E will still let it produce a highly satisfying sound. The Gram Amp 2 Special Edition phono preamp won't stamp any "signature" on your music so you'll be able to hear all the qualities of your cartridge. It will be a lasting part of your hifi system, and won't be easily outdone by upgrades to the rest of your system. Technische Daten Eingangspegel: 2mV - 10 mV (max. 41 mV) Ausgangspegel: 224mV - 1120mV RMS Eingangsimpedanz: 47 kOhm Ausgangsrauschen: (22Hz-22 kHz) -74dB Harmonische Verzerrung: < 0.015% Kanalbalance: 0.1dB Kanaltrennung: 64dB Größe: 107 x 117 x 50mm Zusätzliche Informationen Lieferung inklusive selbst-regelndem Standard-Netzteil. Upgrade auf PSU1 Netzgerät möglich.

299,00 €*
Graham Slee Novo
Graham Slee Novo, Kopfhörerverstärker
Graham Slee Novo, Kopfhörerverstärker Discretely InspiredDiscrete? Surely we meant to say discreet?The Novo is both: it's discreetly small - a definite miniature in a world full of behemoths; and it's discrete because that's the circuitry it uses - discrete transistors.Discrete transistors? Yes, you heard right! Most budget headphone amplifiers let an op-amp do all the work. We wanted to show that we're capable of more than that.The result is a very capable headphone amplifier, so capable that headphone manufacturer Shure bought some and Sennheiser featured it in a promotional video driving its flagship headphone.You may never have heard of the Novo headphone amplifier before today, but now you have. It's definitely worth your consideration if you're after a budget headphone amp - a hi-fi amp for headphones! The little Novo is supplied with an outboard basic power supply which automatically adjusts to your electricity supply voltage, but it can be upgraded later on by swapping to the PSU1 power supply Technical Details Headphone impedance range: 16 to 600 Ohms preferred; 8 to 2,000 Ohms acceptable Power output (rms, both channels fully driven): 32 Ohms, 27mW/channel,  600 Ohms: 23mW/channel Distortion (THD plus noise, ref 1kHz): 0.02% Frequency response (-3dB)32 Ohms load: 27Hz - 35kHz; 600 Ohms load: 10Hz - 39kHz Output noise (20Hz-20kHz, CCIR quasi-peak): -84dB Input sensitivity (for specified power output): 32 Ohms: 250mV rms; 600 Ohms: 775mV rms Channel balance: better than 1dB, "9 to 3 o'clock" positions Crosstalk: Left to Right -57dB; Input to Input -68dB Mute: Signal off mute, non-shorting Output Stage: Bipolar class AB Supply voltage: 24V DC Size (approx.): W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 125 (mm) inc. controls

329,00 €*
Graham Slee PSU1 Enigma
Graham Slee PSU1-Enigma, Netzteil
Graham Slee PSU1-Enigma, Netzteil Originally designed for the Accession MC and finding it brought an audible (in our opinion) improvement with the Majestic Pre/DAC, it has since also found favour with users of some of our other phono stages. Thanks to Kirchhoff's scientific current laws and the law of conservation of energy we can see current leaves from its origin somewhere in the power supply and has to get back to that origin. Signal current, no matter how well it is treated by the phono stage, must negotiate the inner workings of the power supply. Knowing that origin and how it gets back to it is crucial in understanding how best the micro-signal current returns to its origin with the least possible disturbance. The Enigma solution was to lower the dissipation factor, improving dielectric absorption (similar to PTFE and polypropylene) for greater frequency stability such that all frequencies of signal current are treated more equally. And additionally: fine tuning its Kelvin paths and giving it a new DC cord and lockable outlet. Dropping dissipation factor also increased ripple current handling by 35%, and when tried with the more current hungry Majestic Pre/DAC, a significant improvement to the solidity of the sound was evident.

450,00 €*
Graham Slee PSU1
Graham Slee PSU1, Netzteil
Graham Slee PSU1, Netzteil Das PSU 1 24V-Netzteil bietet eine klangliche Verbesserung zum Standard-Netzteil. Es kann einzeln als Upgrade erworben werden oder gleich im Set mit einer Graham Slee Phonostufe. Technische Daten Eingangsspannung: 230V AC Ausgangsspannung: 24V DC

219,00 €*
Graham Slee Reflex C
Graham Slee REFLEX C inkl. PSU 1 Netzteil, MC Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee REFLEX C inkl. PSU 1 Netzteil, MC Phonovorverstärker Faster - For Winning Results You buy a moving coil cartridge for high-performance — so team it with a performance phono preamp for winning results! The music you listen to should be your choice — your equipment shouldn't dictate your musical taste. That's the trap many fall into when "upgrading" to moving coil. If in doing so, you find it difficult to listen to your kind of music, read on, and find out why you need this high performance phono preamp. The Reflex C is supplied with the PSU1 power supply, and a choice of voltages and power plugs; 100 Ω or 1k Ω input impedances; and there is also an option to have a mono switch fitted. The Reflex C Gives You The Freedom To Choose The Reflex C uses low-noise video amplifiers which overcome the difficulties of input saturation and slew induced distortion. You can play the music you want! Throw the fastest tempo music at the Reflex C and you'll marvel at its pace. It captures all the subtleties of your music - all its detail - plus it projects a really convincing and articulate stereo image - and much less in the way of clicks and pops. The Reflex C is the answer to moving coil preamplification you've been waiting for. Suitable Cartridges The Reflex C is suited to low output moving coil (MC) with output in the region of 0.2 - 1.0 mV (ref 1kHz at 5cm/sec) Cartridges having lower outputs may be used if you accept the risk of hearing more hiss than you may be comfortable with. Your amplifier's volume control is intended to be set to give you the loudness you want and should be adjusted accordingly. With the lowest output cartridges you will need to turn the volume control higher than you would use with other sources such as a CD player.   Technische Daten Item Measurement Input and output connectors RCA/phono sockets, hard gold plated Input sensitivity range 0.2mV to 1.0mV (recommended) Output range (for above inputs) 252mV to 1,260mV Maximum input 3.9mV rms Maximum output 4.914V rms Gain 62dB (1,260) at 1kHz Input impedance 100 Ω or 1k Ω to order Output impedance (driving impedance) 1k Ohm (will drive 10k Ohms and above) Noise at output -62dB CCIR Quasi-peak 20Hz to 20kHz Distortion typically 0.02% RIAA accuracy < 0.5dB Frequency response 20Hz - 100kHz ("flat", corrected to RIAA) Channel balance 0.2dB Channel separation 60dB Power supply remotely powered using PSU1 linear power supply Size (approx.) W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 180 (mm) inc. jacks

799,00 €*
Graham Slee Reflex M
Graham Slee REFLEX M inkl. PSU 1 Netzteil, MM Phonovorverstärker
Graham Slee REFLEX M inkl. PSU 1 Netzteil, MM Phonovorverstärker Effortless Dynamics and Fascinating Spatial Imagery The Reflex M phono preamp will deliver a masterful performance from your vinyl records. Not only that, but it will give you a convincing and stable stereo sound stage with a sense of height and depth as well as horizontal positioning. Made for high output cartridges in the region of 1.6 - 9.2 mV (MM; HOMC; MI), it can also be partnered with our Elevator EXP step-up amplifier , with which it makes an excellent phono preamp combo suitable for low-output (MC) magnetic cartridges. Why You Need a Dedicated Phono Preamp for a High-Output Cartridge A switchable MC/MM phono preamp will give you the convenience of being able to switch between cartridge types, but it won't be able to make MM and other high output cartridges perform at their best! Suitable Cartridges Moving magnet (MM); high-output moving coil (HOMC); high output moving iron (MI) - in the output range: 1.6 - 9.2 mV (ref 1kHz at 5cm/sec) Your amplifier's volume control is intended to be set to give you the loudness you want and should be adjusted accordingly. With the lowest output cartridges you will need to turn the volume control higher than you would use with other sources such as a CD player. Technische Daten (englisch) Item Measurement Input and output connectors RCA/phono sockets, hard gold plated Input sensitivity range 1.6mV to 9.2mV (recommended) Output range (for above inputs) 179mV to 1030mV Maximum input 46mV rms Maximum output 5.2V rms Gain 41dB (112) at 1kHz Input impedance 47k Ohms plus 100pF Output impedance (driving impedance) 1k Ohm (will drive 10k Ohms and above) Noise at output -68dB Quasi-peak 20Hz to 20kHz Distortion typically 0.01% RIAA accuracy < 0.3dB Frequency response 20Hz - 100kHz ("flat", corrected to RIAA) Channel balance 0.2dB Channel separation 60dB Power supply remotely powered using option of basic or PSU1 linear power supply Size (approx.) W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 180 (mm) inc. jacks      

799,00 €*
Graham Slee Solo SRGII
Graham Slee Solo SRGII, Kopfhörerverstärker
Graham Slee Solo SRGII, Kopfhörerverstärker All of the Solo's amplification is concentrated into its single stereo ouput - it doesn't compromise on sound like multiple outputs will. If you listen on your own it's the ideal headphone amp!ll of the Solo's amplification is concentrated into its single stereo ouput - it doesn't compromise on sound like multiple outputs will. If you listen on your own it's the ideal headphone amp!The Solo SRGII headphone amplifier is the refined version of the legendary "green" SoloPlus it offers an easy and simple upgrade path which involves swapping its outboard "green-energy" power supply to the PSU1.SRG stands for Studio Reference Green. SRGII is the MkII version. It's available "in green" with its energy saving basic power supply - or go straight for the upgrade and buy it with the PSU1 power supply. Delivering Wonderful Music Under Adverse ConditionsThe Solo's have a long history of delivering wonderful music going back to 2001 as borne out in numerous reviews over the years - often beating off stiff competition from more expensive headphone amps.The "green" Solo surfaced in 2007 as the first ever seriously hi-fi headphone amplifier to succesfully run off green energy otherwise known as switched-mode power.It had to be done because legislation on energy using products was about to become a legal requirement by 2010, and switched-mode power supplies have since become the de-facto source of outboard power for economy product variants such as the less-expensive Solo SRGII option.The problem earlier hi-fi products had was that switched-mode power has so much high-frequency distortion content, and as all amplifiers output what is essentially signal-modulated power, that distortion content ends up at your headphone diaphragms.The complex behaviour of such distortion content with headphone diaphragm earpieces, not forgetting the amplifier itself, simply throttles the sound.The "green" Solo, and now the Solo SRGII, overcame the problems switched-mode power caused, but went much further and the SRGII sound can fend off competition from more expensive headphone amplifiers using non switched-mode linear power. Headphone Impedance SensingThe Solo SRGII headphone amplifier has another trick up its sleeve, that being its headphone impedance sensing output.Some output impedance is essential because headphone cables are highly capacitive, and without output impedance, amplifier phase margin is seriously compromised.High impedance headphones with long cables (and there are plenty of them) can lead to phase margin reversal and that's why many solid-state amps don't work well with headphone impedances much greater than 30-40 Ω.Exactly how much output impedance can be tolerated before a headphone stops performing well, will depend on the impedance of the headphone being used - and we can never know what the customer is using.Headphones have impedance dips and peaks across their audible spectrum, needing more control at some frequencies more than others.Zero output impedance would be ideal, but screwing down the high frequency performance to preserve phase margin is no good for outright musical performance.Output impedance cannot therefore be a fixed value that suits all headphones. But, by sensing the headphone current, extra power can be delivered to the headphone to cover for impedance dips, and less power for impedance peaks - thus making for a smoother sound.The actual output resistance can be kept constant guarding phase margin whilst output impedance will appear to be changing to compensate.And that's basically how the Solo Studio Reference Green MkII achieves its really well-balanced sound regardless of headphone impedance.And importantly for the most sensitive headphones, it doesn't hiss!Technical Details Headphone impedance range: 16 to 600 Ohms preferred; 8 to 2,000 Ohms acceptable Power output (rms, both channels fully driven: 32 Ohms, 27mW/channel; 600 Ohms, 23mW/channel Distortion (THD plus noise, ref 1kHz): 0.02% Frequency response (-3dB): 32 Ohms load: 27Hz - 35kHz; 600 Ohms load: 10Hz - 39kHz Output noise (20Hz-20kHz, CCIR quasi-peak): -84dB Input sensitivity (for specified power output): 32 Ohms, 250mV rms; 600 Ohms, 775mV rms Channel balance: better than 1dB, "9 to 3 o'clock" positions Crosstalk: Left to Right -57dB; Input to Input -68dB Mute: Signal off mute, non-shorting Output Stage: Bipolar class AB Supply voltage: 24V DC Size (approx.): W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 185 (mm) inc. controls

469,00 €*
Graham Slee Solo Ultra Linear
Graham Slee Solo Ultra-Linear DE, Kopfhörerverstärker
Graham Slee Solo Ultra-Linear DE, Kopfhörerverstärker The Solo Ultra-Linear lifts the performance of any good music source and quality dynamic headphones.Graham Slee Solo headphone amplifiers are well-known for their great stereo imaging and musicality, and the Ultra-Linear Diamond Edition (DE) will give you effortless dynamics, a powerful but not boomy sound, and a valvey (tubey) smoothness with detailed clarity. The Solo Ultra-Linear is supplied with the PSU1 outboard power supply.And It's A Solid-State Headphone Amplifier!The Solo Ultra-Linear Diamond Edition (ULDE) headphone amplifier replicates tube amplification, but is solid-state to keep it's performance for all its long life.So what about tubes does it replicate? It replicates the most important difference between tubes and solid-state, that tubes give a flatter open-loop frequency response which extends into the mid frequencies, before negative feedback is applied. It means that when it's applied to keep distortion low, it is true 180° negative feedback, and it gives a wholesome sound which otherwise is sadly lacking in solid-state.We use our proprietary and well-guarded bandwidth extension technique we call Ultra-Linear which replicates this most desirable of tube characteristics.The Solo ULDE has a completely redesigned output stage and better noise performance than the earlier Solo UL, which means it will drive a much greater range of high performance over-ear dynamic headphones, and be hiss-free when used with in-ear monitors.Unlike tube amplifiers it works with all common headphone impedances, and its Z-Match impedance ranging volume control takes the place of gain switches, allowing amplifier gain to be fixed so it results in optimum musical performance.Generous phase and gain margins give it great high-frequency stability under all loading conditions. This coupled with its wide input latitude lets it effortlessly reproduce large musical transients with real clarity.Excellent power supply filtering and ultra-stable voltage regulation make its power so clean that it depicts the minutest of detail, the nuances - the shades of expression, so your music really communicates with you.It also results in superb stereo imaging with great separation between performers and instruments, dispensing a believable stereo sound stage.Technical Details Headphone impedance range: 8 to 2,000 Ohms / 16 to 600 Ohms preferred Power output (rms, both channels fully driven at 1% THD): 32 Ohms, 140mW/channel; 600 Ohms: 30mW/channel Input sensitivity (for specified power output into 32 Ohms)    511mV rms Input impedance: 37k Ohms at max volume; 50k Ohms at min volume Distortion (THD plus noise at 9 o'clock volume control setting (qtr power)): 10Hz-20kHz: better than 0.04%; 10Hz-1kHz: better than 0.02% Frequency response (±0,-3dB): 10Hz - 35kHz Output noise (22Hz-22kHz, quasi-peak/un-weighted): -95dB Channel balance: better than 1dB Crosstalk: Left to Right -56dB; Input to Input -68dB Input selector centre-off position: non-shorting; -38dB at max volume with 2V rms input (ref: 1kHz and 10kHz) Output Stage: Bipolar class AB Supply voltage: 24V DC unipolar Size (approx.): W: 107 x H: 50 x D: 185 (mm) inc. controls

779,00 €*

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