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Hochwertige Geräte der Firma Heed für Ihren uneingeschränkten Hörgenuß.
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Heed Audio Abacus
Heed Audio Abacus, DAC
Heed Audio Abacus, DAC The abacus is one of the most recognized calculating tools of humankind. It has been used for thousands of years, for its simplicity, and for its general acceptance that connects people of various cultures and beliefs. Our Abacus digital to analogue converter is an exquisite tool for the task, connecting you to the world of the musician, doing the precise calculations needed for the mutual understanding. Being a gateway between the digital and analogue worlds, the Abacus is not only a computing machine, it is the very source of the analogue sound amplified through your system. This sound needs to be fascinating right from the beginning, isn’t it ? The Abacus can interpret this seductive Heed sound from a great variety of digital sources, even if the music is coded in extremely highly detailed PCM or DSD signal. PCM and DSD are the two main methods for digital recording. The Abacus can handle PCM signals up to 384 kHz and 32 bits, and natively processes the double speed DSD. Quartz based clocks and well-designed linear power supplies ensure that the resolution of digital processing is always perfect. The analogue buffer stages of the Abacus are made of discrete components, to allow the best possible first steps for the analogue signal. Technische Daten / Features 5+1 digital Inputs native DSD128 and 384kHz/32bit capable USB connection isolated analogue and digital sections upgradeable expansion card system Inputs :  1x RCA / 1x BNC / 2x Optical / 1x USB / 1x expansion card Outputs: 1x line level analogue Output level: 2.1 Vrms Freq. response : 3 Hz – (depends on sampling frequency) DSD filter freq.: 50 kHz standard Scarlet Book Sampling frequencies (BNC, RCA, opt.): 32 / 44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz max. 24 bit PCM Sampling frequencies (USB): 32 / 44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 / 352.8 / 384 kHz max. 32 bit and 2.8224 / 5.6448 MHz 1 bit native DSD Max. consumption: 50 W Weight: 4,5 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.7 x 32.5 cm

1.690,00 €*
Heed Audio Elixir
Heed Audio Elixir, Stereo Vollverstärker
Heed Audio Elixir, Vollverstärker Der Elixir ist preislich ähnlich angesiedelt wie der Obelisk SiIII, jedoch vom Charakter her ein völlig anderes Gerät. Es ist ist jüngeres Design im Vergleich zum Klassiker Obelisk und verkörpert mehr den Anspruch sich in ein modernes Ambiente zu integrieren. Aber auch der Elixir steht für die Heed-typsichen Attribute, insbesondere, was die Klangqualität und Verarbeitung sowie sprichwörtliche Zuverlässigkeit anbelangt. Der Elixir ist sowohl mit silberner als auch schwarzer Frontplatte erhältlich und ein in dieser Preisklasse spannendes Angebot ! There are some very stable points in our world, music being one of them. Music reproduction by Heed is another one. For more than a quarter century, we walk our own way, to show everyone that the world is far from flat. The Elixir is the essence of how we think about music reproduction. This integrated amplifier puts down four important cornerstones that show provide a playground for the listener. A preamplifier with its dedicated output, a power amplifier with plenty of juice to drive anything reasonable, a phono preamplifier to re-discover those black discs, and a headphone amplifier with way too much talents for a secondary function only. But we have built them into one box because these are the basic functions everyone should experience in “My First Hi-Fi System”. As it happens, it is well enough for the second and the third as well… The Elixir has a neat place amongst our Transcap technology amplifiers. It is the purest music performer of all, without any technical compromise and presents the music effortlessly. Besides the power amplifier, the headphone stage also benefits from the basic idea of the Transcap technology. Class-A, darlington-driven, capacitor-coupled outputs feed your headphones like nothing else you have experienced before. The MM phono stage is based on the Questar’s circuit. As the standalone amp, this integrated incarnation is thick and warm and provides a great overall amplification for nearly all kind of MM cartridges. It’s a very easy way to find your way back into the analogue domain, and be a lifetime captive of the black vinyl. Technische Daten / Features 4 analogue, 1 MM phono Inputs class-A headphone amplifier Transcap – output capacitor technology discrete bipolar transistor architecture Inputs: 4x analogue / 1x MM phono Outputs: 1x stereo speaker / 1x Pre out / 6,35mm headphones Freq. response (spekers): 10 Hz – 110 kHz Freq. response (preamp): 3.5 Hz – 300 kHz Freq. response (headphones): 3.5 Hz – 320 kHz Input impedance (line): 10 kΩ Input impedance (MM): 47 kΩ / 100pF Input sensitivity: 135 mV Power (8 / 4 Ω): min. 50 / 65 W / channel Max. consumption: 150 W Weight: 6 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 36 cm

1.495,00 €*
Heed Audio Lagrange
Heed Audio Lagrange, Stereo Vollverstärker
Heed Audio Lagrange, Vollverstärker Der Lagrange ist ein Vollverstärker mit integriertem MM-Phono-Modul sowie einem Bluetooth-Modul für das Musik-Streaming via mobilem Endgerät. Zusätzlich kann ein hochwertiger DSD-DAC optional eingebaut werden – dieser ist auch nachträglich durch den Besitzer unkompliziert via Steckkarte aufrüstbar. Der Lagrange ist letzten Endes eine Ableitung aus der Thesis-Linien, die ja über keinen Vollverstärker verfügt. Bauteile- und Verarbeitungsqualität entsprechen de factor dem hohen Anspruch der Thesis-Linie. Neu ist die „doppelte“ Gehäusebreite, also das übliche Standard-Format, da anderenfalls die vielen Bauteile inkl. Features und überdimensioniertes Netzteil für überragende Klangqualität nicht ins Gerät gepaßt hätten – und Kompromisse sind Heed’s Sache nicht! Hört man den Lagrange fragt man sich unmittelbar, wie eine solch‘ hohe Musikwiedergabe zu einem solchen Preis möglich ist. We think there is a sweet spot for almost everything. In music, the balance of sound and silence, the ratio of the tempo to our heartbeat, or the weight of each instrument induce many different experiences. They give us pleasure or sorrow, evoke fragments of memories in rapid succession, which all evolve to an overall emotional picture about that piece of music. When we speak about balance in music reproduction, we cannot describe it with numbers. For this reason, Heed products are not made to bend lines on an oscilloscope, but to give you one of the greatest delights in life, the joy of music. And Lagrange is exceptionally good at that. You can either step close to see the brush strokes, or step farther to take in the whole picture. But can you do both? Where is the sweet spot? Is there any ? Well, as for the Lagrange, it depends on you. Being a Transcap amplifier, the Lagrange has all the benefits of the technology that can create this rich and organic sound. The level of details, the pace, the rhythm and the overall atmosphere of the music are all in lovely balance. Choose any aspect you like, you will find what you seek for, and you will enjoy it very much. Our first full size integrated amplifier offers an extended Heed experience. You can love it hysterically, or beat it with gothic metal on a moody day, one point remains stable. It always gives you what you need. Technische Daten / Features 4 analogue, 1 HT bypass, 1 MM phono and BT wireless inputs optional DAC card with USB, coax and optical inputs class-A headphone amplifier Transcap – output capacitor technology discrete bipolar transistor architecture Inputs: 4x analogue / 1x MM phono / 1x HT bypass / BT wireless Optional inputs: 1x USB / 1x RCA coaxial / 1x Toslink optical Outputs: 1x stereo speaker / 1x Tape out / 1x Pre out / 1/4″ headphones Input impedance: 10 kΩ Power (8 / 4 Ω): min. 60 / 100 W / channel Max. consumption: 600 W Weight: 15 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 43 x 9 x 36 cm

4.790,00 €*
Heed Audio Canalot
Heed Audio Modular Canalot, Kopfhörerverstärker
Heed Audio Canalot, Kopfhörerverstärker Die Modular-Serie von Heed sind „kleine Kostbarkeiten“ und erfreuen sich einer ungemeinen Beliebtheit. Klein, überaus klangstark, schön anzusehen und anzufassen, da keine Kompromisse bei der Verarbeitung. Die beiden Phono-Vorverstärker Quasar und Questar sind „Wölfe im Schafspelz“, insbesondere natürlich der Quasar und das Gleiche könnte man von ihren Geschwistern Canalot und Canamp sagen, zwei wunderbare Kopfhörerverstärker. Dann hat man immer noch die Möglichkeit, ein Standardnetzteil oder bspw. ein Q-PSU dazu zu wählen, um den Klang nochmals sehr deutlich zu steigern. Das Q-PSU kann auch zwei Geräte versorgen, zB einen Quasar und einen Canalot – die wohl puristischste Lösung zusammen mit eine schönen Analoglaufwerk ! The Canalot is akin to a nice black brick on steroids. The classic design of Heed Modular devices meets the high-tech solutions of the digital world and in addition, our unique speaker driving system. If you are not into the many-box hi-fi racks or space-eating speakers and amplifiers, Canalot provides a nice alternative. Like the Canamp, this is also a two-stage amplifier, and has a pure class-A output stage as well. But similarities end here. Canalot is a rare piece amongst the headphone amplifiers with its RC-coupled output. It almost works like our Transcap-technology amplifiers, conveying all of their benefits. Of course, the power delivery system is tuned to the lower demands of the headphones. Nice connectivity is always a pleasure. The Canalot can utilize our DAC and USB cards, and can work like a 192 kHz / 24 bit capable digital-analogue converter with either a computer or any S/PDIF-output sources. For a nice and smooth sound the Canalot has a regulated power supply. It works well with the supplied outboard PSU, but of course, there is always an upgrade option. Q-PSU is the next step up with its generously sized linear, regulated power rails Technische Daten / Features analogue, S/PDIF digital and USB 2.0 inputs upgradeable digital card system 2 headphone connectors capacitor-coupled output Inputs :  1x analogue / 1x S/PDIF RCA / 1x USB  Outputs: 2x 6.35mm headphone / 1x line out Freq. response : 6 Hz – 260 kHz Input impedance: 10 kΩ Gain: 20 dB Input sensitivity: 320 mV Power: 200 mW (32 Ω) / 100 mW (120 Ω) / 20 mW (600 Ω) SNR: > 100 dB Upgrade card options: 1 DAC 1.3 / 1 USB 2.0 Supported sampling frequencies: 44.1 / 48 / 88.1 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz Power supply options: X-PSU 40 (standard) / Q-PSU / Obelisk PX Max. consumption: 17 W Weight: 1,2 kg Dimensions (WxHxD): 9.5 x 7.5 x 25 cm

740,00 €*
Heed Audio PX
Heed Audio Obelisk PX, Netzteil
Heed Audio Obelisk PX, Netzteil One of the most difficult tasks we have undertaken has been to extend the capabilities of the Obelisk PRE, which was designed to perform beautifully as a self-contained unit. However, the Obelisk PX dedicated outboard power supply manages to surpass even our highest expectations. The PX is based on a sophisticated fully-regulated, double-filtered circuit topology, which eliminates interference caused by the mains supply, providing the cleanest possible current to the PRE. It features very high grade components such as a Noratel mains transformer and four 10.000µF Mundorf capacitors custom made to Heed's own specifications. This results in extremely low noise, low inner impedance and negligible distortion performance. Although the PX is primarily designed to partner with the Obelisk PRE, it can also be paired to enhance the performance of our Quasar phono stage, Dactilus DAC, Luna II preamp, etc.

1.450,00 €*
Heed Audio Obelisk
Heed Audio Obelisk Si s3, A&V-Tip !
Heed Audio Obelisk Si s3, A&V-Tip ! Der Heed Obelisk-Vollverstärker ist eine Offenbarung für all diejenigen, die seit langem auf einen Verstärker warten, der in die Fußstapfen früherer legendärer, kleiner Vollverstärker, wie z.B. des Nytech Obelisk tritt, und für einen kleinen Preis kompromisslos und puristisch den Einstieg in High-End-Hi-Fi bietet! Endlich wieder ein Klassiker. Ein Phono-Modul (MM) oder D/A Wandler mit hohem klanglichen Anspruch ist preisgünstig in Form einer Steckkarte nachrüstbar. Des Weiteren ist eine Fernbedienung zur Lautstärkeregelung im Lieferumfang. Er ist mit einem zusätzlich erhältlichen externen Netzteil zu einer echten Vor-/Endstufenkombination ausbaufähig, die, im Gegensatz zu Vollverstärkern mit einem „normalen“ externen Netzteil, das interne Netzteil nur für die Vorstufensektion nutzt. Im Zuge dieser Aufrüstung steigt die Nennleistung an 8Ohm von 40,5W auf 55W pro Kanal. English Information There was a neat shoebox amplifier in the 1980’s which stirred emotions in unsuspecting hifi-freaks and music lovers alike. Sadly, the unbashedly different design of the original Ion Obelisk had become entirely forgotten. Well, almost entirely.After two decades of silence, we have resurrected this legendary integrated, updating its exterior aesthetics and internal components. More importantly, however, we challenged ourselves with the demanding task of preserving the classic Obelisk’s absorbing delivery and infectious musicality, while offering even greater transparency, leading-edge detail and more gripping dynamics. Mission accomplished – the Obelisk Si has become a must-hear sensation straight out of the gate.During the years of evolution, the Obelisk Si showed us the nature of RC-coupled amplifiers. By the designing of the current version of this amp, we have found the solution that describes the magic it creates. Transcap technology is now our main path, which we intend to follow, unaccompanied in the world.The Obelisk Si III rated at a great healthy 50 watts per channel. Don’t be fooled by the kilowatt amps, this fifty is like a valve-amp fifty. And more, as a Transcap amplifier is rather different in this aspect. With this kind of power the Si is capable of astonishing dynamic authority and massive transients any time. Further on, there are the X2 or X4 power supplies, which converts the Si-system into a preamp/power amp combo with dual mono power amplifiers. Now that’s something classy!To be more versatile, we have worked out an upgrade card system for some of our devices. The first input of the Si can be transformed into an MM phono input or an S/PDIF digital input via our upgrade cards. If you don’t like the many and more little boxes around you, this highly integrated system is your saviour.Feature 5 analogue inputs optional MM phono or DAC card upgradeable power supply (see Obelisk X2) Transcap technology Technische Daten Eingänge: 4/5 Line (Eingang Nr.1 kann mit optionaler D/A-Wandler oder Phono MM -Karte ausgestattet werden Ausgänge 1 Vorverstärkerausgang oder Fixed/Tape-Ausgang (per Jumper) Eingangsspannung/Impedanz: 500 mV/10 kOhm Ausgangsleistung (20Hz-20kHz): Obelisk Si ohne Aufrüstung X-2 40,5W/64W (8/4 Ohm), obelisk-front Obelisk Si + X2 Zusatznetzteil 55W/72W Rauschabstand: 96 dB Klirrfaktor 0,08% Frequenzgang (mit Filter): 10 Hz-60 kHz (+-1 dB) Maße (B/H/T netto/brutto) in cm: 22/8,5/32,3+36 Max. Leistungsaufnahme i <120W Si <160W (mit X2 <200W)

1.890,00 €*
Heed Orbit MK2, Netzteil für Plattenspieler
Heed Audio Orbit 2 MKII, Netzteil für Plattenspieler
Heed Audio Orbit 2 MK2, Netzteil für Plattenspieler mit Synchronmotor 33/45 U/min The speed accuracy and stability of many belt drive turntables driven by a synchronous motor depends entirely upon the quality/consistency of frequency delivered by the domestic mains supply. However, mains frequency at 50Hz / 60Hz leaves much to be desired since it is subject to fluctuation, distortion, and other innumerable problems prior to reaching your listening room. The Heed ORBIT 1 and Heed ORBIT 2 off-board turntable power supplies offer a sophisticated solution to stabilise and improve any 4-pole, 110V synchronous motor drive, elevating your deck's sonic performance to startling new levels of musicality. Backgrounds become „blacker", separation of instruments more sharply defined, while bass gains added depth, and the overall soundstage widens accordingly. Both ORBIT models give the added convenience of electronic speed change between 33 1/3 and 45 RPM via one single, elegant push-button in lieu of the rather fussy manual speed change arrangement of many turntables (removing the platter and shifting the belt on the motor pulley time and time again.) The ORBIT regulates your turntable's motor drive via an intricate quadrature-quartz speed generator, providing unsurpassed speed accuracy and pitch stability. Packed into a hefty shielded steel casework (protecting the unit from electromagnetic interference and vibration) are two mains-filtering transformers, and a high-current amplification circuit to assure that the power passed onto your motor is smooth and constant, with no fluctuation and virtually immeasurable distortion. The ORBIT 1 requires a small modification of the motor circuitry (the capacitor used to provide phase shift needs to be removed from the circuit – preferably carried out by your qualified dealer/technician). The ORBIT 2 adds the convenience of genuine plug & play compatibility (no modification necessary). Choosing between them is down to optimum performance vs. convenience of installation. You may rest assured, however, that the Orbit 2 trades in very little of the Orbit 1's uncompromising technical and sonic performance for its plug & play practicability. Compatibility The ORBITs can be the ideal partner for the vast majority of classic Rega turntables equipped with 4-pole, 110V synchronous motors (Planars 2&3, P2, P3, P25 and their OEM derivatives as marketed by the likes of NAD and Goldring – however not to the new 24V AC synchronous motor drive in their latest turntables), as well as various models offered by Nottingham Analogue, Thorens (TD150/160 series), Systemdeck, and Kuzma to name just a few. Last but not least the Orbit 1 also compliments the Linn Sondek LP12 as an affordable alternative to Linn's top-of-the-line LP12/Lingo combination.

650,00 €*
Heed Audio Q-PSU
Heed Audio Q-PSU, Q-Netzteil
Heed Audio Netzteil zur Aufrüstung Questar auf Questar QN und für andere Heed Geräte The enhanced power supply of the QUASAR, the Q-PSU that also can be used as power supply upgrade with other components like the QUESTAR phono stage or the DACTILUS D-to-A converter is based around a 60 VA toroidal transformer with low-density magnetic field and very little dispersion. This power, together with 40,000 µF filtering, can feed the circuit with the kind of super-clean current usually delivered only by battery-based supplies, even with extreme dynamic swings.

510,00 €*
Heed Quasar
Heed Audio Quasar 3, MM/MC Phono-Pre
Heed Audio Quasar 3 MM / MC, Phonovorverstärker inkl. Q-Netzteil The signal processing of cartridges is one of the most delicate jobs in amplification. All the more so because it isn't done merely by boosting a few hundred microvolts to a few hundred millivolts. In fact, at this thousandfold amplification (60 dB) the signal must be processed as cleanly and noise-free as possible. The extremely low signal level and the frequency-related amplification which arises from the RIAA equalisation curve applied in the cutting of LPs make the highest demands of the circuit topology and technical realisation of a phono preamplifier. Our award-winning QUASAR phono stage, with its discrete conception and wide range of features, meets the requirements of even top-class turntable/cartridge combinations without being „necessarily" expensive in the usual high-end fashion. On the contrary, it represents a unique bargain at this price level and for the quality it offers. The QUASAR is built in dual-mono configuration from the power supply upwards. There are two separate amplifier stages for MM and MC cartridges, both being fed from their own regulated power supply arrangement. Optimum adjustments to the cartridge in use can be applied for sensitivity and load by various settings of the jumpers on the PCB. The two separate outputs with different sensitivities make it possible for preamps or recorders to be fed via 'Low Out', whilst its 'High Out' can drive power amps directly. The output stage has huge headroom at extremely low noise levels and, due to its low output impedance and high current delivery, can drive long interconnect cables without any sonic degradation. The enhanced power supply of the QUASAR, the Q-PSU that also can be used as power supply upgrade with other components like the QUESTAR phono stage or the DACTILUS D-to-A converter, is based around a 60 VA toroidal transformer with low-density magnetic field and very little dispersion. This power, together with 40,000 µF filtering, can feed the circuit with the kind of super-clean current usually delivered only by battery-based supplies, even with extreme dynamic swings.

1.270,00 €*
Heed Questar Phono-Vorstufe
Heed Audio Questar QN, MM oder MC Phono-Pre
Heed Audio Questar QN MM / MC, Phonovorverstärker inkl. Q-Netzteil Heed Audio Questar QN MM / MC The QUESTARs are destined to be the best entry-level options of the Heed modular line for vinyl reply that money can buy. Under the hood of their hefty, shielded steel chassis beats the heart of our reference Quasar MM/MC phonostage, conveniently divided into neatly-specialized a' la carte portions. The QUESTAR MM largely incorporates the Quasar's unsurpassed MM circuitry, while its sibling, the QUESTAR MC deploys a streamlined version of the Quasar's MC stage, eliminating the need for jumper switches by optimising the amplifier to suit the 300-600 µV/100 Ohm output range characterising the vast majority of today's moving coils. Considering its generous 18 dB headroom, ideal cartridge matching is virtually assured. The internal construction of the QUESTARs meets the most critical high-end standards in every respect. The amplifier employs an entirely dual-mono configuration and uses a two-stage – passive/active – RIAA equalisation. Gain adjustment has been optimised for maximum headroom and highest signal-to-noise ratio. Component parts are selected to exacting tolerances matching those of our flagship Quasar. The QUESTARs are suitable for any line-level amplifier input, and can easily drive virtually any length of interconnect. There is no internal wiring or binding, and all high-current parts of the circuit are shielded. Both models feature gold-plated RCA terminals soldered directly onto the PCB, limiting all signal paths to a bare minimum. The QUESTARs utilise an external „wall-wart" power supply to avoid undesirable electro-magnetic interference within the chassis. Sonic performance can be even further enhanced by upgrading to the Quasar's substantial separate box Q-PSU, constructed around a massive 60 VA toroidal transformer with low-density magnetic field and minimal dispersion. With substantial 40,000 µF capacitor filtering, the Q-PSU can feed the QUESTAR'S circuitry with the kind of super-clean current usually delivered only by battery-based supplies, even with extreme dynamic swings.

860,00 €*
Heed Audio Delta
Heed Audio Thesis Delta, CD-Transport
Heed Audio Thesis Delta, CD Transport Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. he Thesis Δ (delta) is a CD player that seamlessly assimilates into its sophisticated analogue family. It offers the most convenient way to enjoy your digital recordings in the best possible quality. With its sturdy mechanism and cleverly tuned internal suspension system, the readout of the digital data is exceptionally precise. From the separated power supplies to the high speed processor, every segment is working together to keep this digitally coded music perfectly healthy. Without a DAC module, the delta is a transport with many digital outputs. Extending its possibilities with a converter board, the delta integrated CD player offers astonishing analogue quality, and truly enchanting musical experience. Technische Daten / Features metal tray loader 4 digital outputs optional DAC 2.3 Modul for analog output fully remote contral  

3.190,00 €*
Heed Audio Gamma
Heed Audio Thesis Gamma, Stereo Endstufe
Heed Audio Thesis Gamma, Stereo Leistungsverstärker Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The Thesis γ (gamma) stereo power amplifier is the most athletic member of the family. With great effort, we have succeeded to squeeze two Thesis-class Transcap module into one rather tiny, but chunky metal chassis. Its wall-to-wall transistor array supplies tremendous energy for two channels of music, without the slightest feeling of necessity. For being a Transcap-technology stereo power amplifier, the Thesis γ has an extermely good overall transient response. The percussion instruments sound vividly and life-like, providing the essential base of music. While all other instruments and vocals brillare in their place, together they create a concert-like atmosphere, where you can feel the wink of the musicans when they make an upbeat of a new measure. Technische Daten / Features Transcap – output capacitor technology for unique musical abilities massive power delivery up to 160 Watts excellent impedance handling down to 1.6 Ohms oversized components and solid design for reliability Inputs: 1x line input Outputs: 1x Stereo 4mm Speaker Power (max) : 110 W / Channel Load impedance (min): 1.6 Ω Max. consumption: 350 W Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 32,5 cm

3.490,00 €*
Heed Audio Thesis Lambda
Heed Audio Thesis Lambda, Stereo-Vorstufe
Heed Audio Thesis Lambda, Stereo Vorstufe Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt ! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The Thesis λ (lambda) is a preamplifier for the analogue-blooded fans. You can choose between five of your analogue sources and adjust the volume with an RC handset, but that is all you can get from the digital world by this clean-cut preamp. On the analogue side, however, it is the most refined preamplifier ever built by Heed. The amplifier circuit of the Thesis λ is the pure version of the Thesis α’s analogue section. With the lack of digital circuitry, there is no reason to compromise anything. Aiming for the best possible sound quality, the Thesis λ offers an unexceptional PCB design, unique to our Thesis line preamplifiers. In a standalone mode, it is a very robust and capable device with its sturdy internal power supply. There is, however, an option to upgrade this remarkable performance to an even more astonishing level. The Thesis π external power supply adds more clarity, more accuracy and a great bunch of smoothness to the presentation. Technische Daten / Features Inputs : 5x analogue inputs Outputs : 1 x preamplifier output / 1x tape out Power Supply Options : internal / Thesis Pi 60 Watt fully remote controllable Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 36 cm

3.290,00 €*
Heed Audio Omega
Heed Audio Thesis Omega, Mono Endstufe
Heed Audio Thesis Omega, Mono Leistungsendstufe Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The thesis ω (omega) monobloc power amplifier is an RC-coupled device in true Heed fashion that drives loudspeakers in a similar way to valve power amplifiers, but without their inherent problems related to the vacuum tube. Despite certain topological similarities to its valve counterparts, the Thesis ω is best described as a quintessentially solid-state power amp that successfully gets around the often sterile, lifeless sound of most solid-state devices. We believe that connecting amplifiers to speakers by RC- instead of the prevalent DC-coupling results in a much more natural, less “cropped” decay of tones. Freed from all containments, we could achieve a no-compromise implementation of the Transcap topology in the Thesis ω. With its very generously sized power supply, unlike valve amplifiers, it is also extremely stable even into the most difficult loads – continuous power delivery up to 160W or capability of driving loads down to 1.6 Ohm speak for themselves. It is capable of driving all kind of sensible speakers. In short, the thesis ω power amplifier epitomises an almost alchemical synergy of solid-state stability and the finesse and “live” magic usually achieved only by 300B triodes in valve amplification. Technische Daten / Features Transcap – output capacitor technology for unique musical abilities massive power delivery up to 160 Watts excellent impedance handling down to 1.6 Ohms oversized components and solid design for reliability Inputs: 1x line input Outputs: 2x mono speaker / 1x line output Power (max) : 160 W Load impedance (min): 1.6 Ω Max. consumption: 350 W Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 32,5 cm

3.590,00 €*
Heed Audio PHI
Heed Audio Thesis PHI, Phono-Vorstufe
Heed Audio Thesis PHI, Phono Vorstufe Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The Thesis φ (phi) is a no-compromise phono preamplifier for all vinyl connoisseurs using a top-class turntable. Just like the α or λ preamps, it is also fed by the Thesis π twin PSU. By using two independent – MM (moving magnet) and MC (moving coil) – amplifier circuits, it is possible to use two record players connected simultaneously. Cartridge matching is highly customisable for gain and impedance on the rear panel of the unit by jumpers. Noise characteristics, dynamic range, headroom and frequency response of the Thesis φ are second to none. Technische Daten / Features totally separated MM and MC stage (simultaneous work) adjustable MC gain and impedance discrete bipolar transistor architecture exceptional noise figure Inputs: 1x MM / 1x MC Outputs: 1x MM 50 Ω / 1x MM 600 Ω / 1x MC 50 Ω / 1x MC 600 Ω Gain (MC): 44 / 50 / 56 / 62 / 68 / 74 dB Gain (MM): 33 / 48 dB Input impedance (MC): 100 / 220 / 470 / 1000 Ω Input impedance (MM): 47 kΩ / 150 pF Noise floor: -90 dBV (MC) / -84 dBV (MM) Power supply options: Thesis Pi Dimensions (WxHxD): 9.5 x 7.5 x 22 cm

2.290,00 €*
Heed Audio PI
Heed Audio Thesis PI, Zusatznetzteil für Thesis Geräte
Heed Audio Thesis PI, Externes Netzteil Die Thesis-Serie ist Heed’s Statement ! Was hier an Bauteile- und Anfassqualität geboten wird, findet man oftmals nicht in wesentlich teureren Preisklassen anderer renommierter Hersteller. Sämtliche Geräte werden in aufwendiger Handarbeit am Stammsitz in Ungarn liebevoll erschaffen. Selbst die Platinenbestückung erfolgt in mühevoller Handarbeit und nicht durch einen Bestückungsautomaten. Die Klangqualität der Thesis-Komponenten ist nichts anderes als spektakulär – aber nicht im Sinne von irgendwelchen Hifi-typischen Attributen, sondern einer extrem natürlichen Musikwiedergabe ohne jegliche Ermüdungserscheinungen. Schön, dass es diesen Hersteller gibt und dass er uns mit solchen Ausnahmegeräten belohnt! Die Thesis-Line umfaßt: Delta CD-Transport (aufrüstbar mit DAC-Karte), Lambda Vorverstärker, Phi Phono-Vorverstärker, Pi Netzteil für Phi und optional Lambda Gamma Stereo-Endstufe und Omega Mono-Endstufe. The Thesis π (pi) twin power supply can feed the α or λ preamplifiers and the φ phono stage simultaneously. It has two independent sections, each with dual regulated power supply rails. In order to ensure an absolutely clean and stable power delivery, the Thesis π uses high-grade components custom made to our specifications, all massively overspecified for smooth and effortless performance even when pushed to its limits. It is not only the extension of the spectrum, but the smoother, cleaner and more articulated performance makes the π power supply a great upgrade for the thesis preamplifiers. Though the α and λ are both very well equipped to make a great impression in standalone mode, the addition of the π makes the icing on the cake in a thesis system. Technische Daten / Features double independent power supply output two-stage stabilized supply rails for extreme low noise custom made components to meet our strict specifications multiple oversizing for stability and reliability Type: 2-stage regulated power supply Supported devices: Thesis Alpha / Thesis Phi / Quasar Dimensions (WxHxD): 22 x 8.5 x 32,5 cm

2.550,00 €*
Obelisk Netzteil X2
Heed Obelisk X2, Netzteil
Heed Obelisk X2, Netzteil Durch den Einsatz dieses speziell entwickelten Netzteiles wird die Performance Ihres Heed Obelisk erheblich gesteigert. Beim Anschluss des X2 versorgt das Netzteil des Obelisk nur noch die Vorstufensektion, wogegen die Endstufen ihre Spannung nun separat vom X2 beziehen. Erleben Sie einen Klanggewinn der Extraklasse. English Information The Obelisk X-2 power supply (in fact, a dual-mono power amp PSU) holds the ante at a full 50wpc, while allowing the original on-board power supply of the Obelisk Si to dedicate itself entirely to its preamp section. In other words, with the addition of this single device, the Obelisk Si evolves into a fully-fledged dual-mono pre/power combination. It is a substantial technical upgrade, and consequently a leap forward in sonic performance: it catapults the single-box integrated Obelisk into a much higher league.  Features separate supply for Obelisk Si power stage dual mono supply rails enhanced power and impedance handling

1.110,00 €*

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