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Nordost Blue Heaven, Subwoofer-Kabel

Produktinformationen "Nordost Blue Heaven, Subwoofer-Kabel"

Nordost Blue Heaven, Subwoofer-Kabel

The Blue Heaven Subwoofer Cable enables hifi enthusiasts to completely integrate their subwoofers with their loudspeakers to create a truly well-rounded experience, highlighting even the lowest frequency extensions on the spectrum. The Blue Heaven Subwoofer Cable consists of four, 22 AWG, solid core, silver-plated, 99.9999% OFC signal conductors and employs an innovative precision FEP extrusion process. The conductors are then covered in a braided shield, addressing any EMI and RFI. The Blue Heaven Subwoofer Cable will allow you to integrate low level frequencies while preserving the precision and speed necessary for a well-rounded, seamless, and all-encompassing sound.

Available Configurations

  1. Straight: standard connection when using a mono setup for the LFE input of a subwoofer—terminated with one connector on each end.
  2. Y: needed when connecting your mono LFE to both channel inputs on your subwoofer—terminated with one connector on the processor end and two connectors on the subwoofer end.
  3. Y to Y: needed in a pure two channel setup—terminated with two connectors on the preamp end and two connectors on the subwoofer end.

Technical Details

  • Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)
  • Construction: Flat, Parallel
  • Conductors: 4 x 22 AWG
  • Material: Solid core, silver-plated 99.9999% OFC
  • Capacitance: 60.5 pF/ft (198 pF/m)
  • Inductance: 0.03 μH/ft (0.10 uH/m)
  • Overall Shield Coverage: 95%
  • Velocity of Propagation: 74%
  • Configuration: Straight, Y, or Y-Y
  • Termination: RCA or XLR
Hersteller "Nordost Kabel"

Nordost Cables

Nordost ist der führende Hersteller von HiFi-Audiokabeln und Zubehör in der Unterhaltungselektronikbranche. In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten hat Nordost ein umfangreiches, allumfassendes Angebot an HiFi-Audio-Lösungen entwickelt. Die Audio- und Videokabel, Stromversorgungsprodukte, Audioverbesserer und Resonanzkontrollgeräte von Nordost haben das High-Fidelity-Hören revolutioniert. Nur Nordost ist in der Lage, die pure, unverfälschte Realität einer Live-Performance in den Komfort Ihres Heim-Soundsystems zu bringen - unabhängig vom Preis des Systems
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Nordost Kabel (i.A. dt. Vertrieb / Audio Reference GmbH)
Alsterkrugchaussee 435
22335 Hamburg, Deutschland

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Beim Anschluß von elektrischen Geräten an Außenantennen und Signalkabel (z.B. Internet, Antenne usw.) muß eine vorschriftsmäßige Erdung und evtl. Blitzschutz sichergestellt sein.
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Davenstedter Str.111
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Weitere Produkte + Angebote von Nordost Kabel :

Nordost Blue Heaven +, Tonarmkabel
Nordost Blue Heaven +, Tonarmkabel The tonearm lead is one of the most critical audio cables in an analog system. The fragile nature of the signals it carries demands a purpose-built, low capacitance conduit, in order to maximize the authentic and natural musical reproduction that LPs offer.The Blue Heaven Tonearm Cable + uses a twisted pair cable design to create a left and right channel, which are individually shielded in order to eliminate inter-channel crosstalk. It also employs a separately shielded, silver-plated bond wire, wrapped in Micro Mono-Filament, which runs alongside the left and right channel to help minimize noise from the line. However, the most exciting aspect of this cable design is its revolutionary grounding solution. Nordost has introduced detachable, silver-plated ground whips, complete with Micro Mono-Filament technology, to further enhance this groundbreaking cable. These ground whips completely eliminate any noise that could be introduced during signal transfer, regardless of the unique construction of the components found in each individual sound system. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Conductors: 4 x 28 AWG Construction: 2 Twisted pairs individually shielded Material: Silver plated 99.9999% OFC Solid Core Conductors Capacitance: 15.13pF/ft (49.5pF/m) Velocity of Propagation: 74% Overall Shield Coverage: 97% Bond / Grounding Whips: 24 AWG silver-plated, stranded OFC, Micro Mono-Filament design. Termination: MoonGlo® Straight or 90० low-mass 5-pin Din, RCA, or XLR connectors. Whips and bond wire terminated with gold-plated 5mm spades.

Ab 950,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, BNC-Digitalkabel (RCA Adapter inclusive)
Nordost Blue Heaven, BNC-Digitalkabel (RCA Adapter inclusive) The safe transfer of digital data streams depends on achieving accurate impedance within the transmission chain. The S/PDIF transmission standard dictates a 75 Ohm co-axial lead, but it is surprising how few cables meet that specification.The Blue Heaven Digital Interconnect is a true 75 Ohm conductor. Employing a Micro Mono-Filament, co-axial construction. This advanced topology allows us to achieve superior electrical performance and geometrical accuracy, irrespective of cable length. The Blue Heaven Digital Interconnect ensures high-speed, low-loss characteristics and, due to its BNC termination, the 75 Ohm standard is maintained, even across the connectors. Each BNC connector is supplied with a gold-plated RCA adaptor, keeping the cable consistent in performance across any combination of co-axial inputs or outputs. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned spacing, Micro Mono-Filament, co-axial design Conductors: 1 x 24 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.9999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 16pF/ft Impedance: 75 Ohm Overall Shield Coverage: 95% Velocity of Propagation: 85% Termination:  Gold-plated true 75 Ohm BNC to Gold-plated true 75 Ohm BNC (Gold-plated BNC to RCA adapters included)

Ab 315,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, Cinch-Kabel
Nordost Blue Heaven, Cinch-Kabel (1 Paar) The Blue Heaven LS Analog Interconnect is a fully-shielded design that can be terminated for balanced or single-ended connection. It employs four, heavy-gauge 24 AWG, silver-plated 99.9999% OFC solid core conductors, precision wound in a minimum cross-section configuration that eliminates unnecessary fillers or padding elements. The insulation is high-grade FEP, selected for its superior dielectric performance, while the elegant minimalism extends to the carefully selected low-mass connectors and differential grounding. The result is a high-speed, low-loss interconnect that preserves the sense of musical power and momentum, bringing believable shape and presence to performers, color, life and drama to their performances.Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay Conductors: 4 x 24 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 45.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.046μH/ft Overall Shield Coverage: 95% Velocity of Propagation: 80% Termination: Gold-plated RCA

Ab 550,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, Lautsprecher-Kabel
Nordost Blue Heaven, Lautsprecher-Kabel (1 Paar) Nordost's original Flatline loudspeaker cable introduced the audio world to an entirely new level of performance and a unique production technique. Nordost proprietary, extruded FEP cables, with their thin, flat profile don't just look different - their deceptive simplicity is a uniquely elegant answer to the conflicting requirements for low resistance, capacitance and inductance that limit the performance of more conventional cable configurations. Now, by re-examining the geometry of each cable, they have reduced dielectric effects still further as well as optimized the physical spacing of the conductors. These advantageous electrical characteristics, combined with the intrinsic geometrical accuracy of ribbon configuration, deliver unprecedented dynamic response, phase accuracy and detail. The result is a combination of natural, unfettered dynamics and clarity that make your music and movies more accessible, more involving and more lifelike. The original Blue Heaven was a hard act to follow, but the LS version easily exceeds the performance of its renowned predecessor, bringing even budget electronics and speakers to life. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned spacing Conductors: 16 x 26 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.9999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 9.6pF/ft Inductance: 0.16μH/ft Velocity of Propagation: 95% Termination: Gold-plated Spade or Z-plug Banana

Ab 830,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, Netzkabel
Nordost Blue Heaven, Netzkabel When you listen to your system, you are actually listening to the AC mains supply. This makes the most important cables in your system the ones feeding power into the equipment. They are responsible for the raw material that gets turned into the sound you hear. Nordost employs FEP insulation and their proven, proprietary high-speed, low-loss Micro Mono-Filament construction to deliver the best possible power source for your system.The Purple Flare Power Cord employs a dedicated, two-core topology designed to maximize the performance of screens and electronics using Figure-8 AC inputs. If you've never seen your video display fed by a high-quality power cord, Purple Flare is the one to try. It is available in a full range of AC plug options. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, Micro Mono-Filament design Conductors: 2 x 16 AWG Material: 65 strand 99.9999% OFC DC Resistance: 4.4 Ohms per 1000ft Velocity of Propagation: 81% Termination: EU (Schuko) to IEC-C15 connector

Ab 325,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, Netzwerkkabel
Nordost Blue Heaven, Netzwerkkabel High quality Ethernet cables are the key to achieving a suitable interface when connecting first-rate AV components to a home network. The Blue Heaven Ethernet Cable is the solution that digitally-driven hifi enthusiasts have been waiting for. This groundbreaking cable allows Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices and music streaming to be fully integrated into a hifi system, while improving its sonic performance.In order to perfect their Ethernet cable design, Nordost has employed technologies and methods proven effective throughout the years in the consumer electronics industry and modified them to fit this new, highly specified market. The Blue Heaven Ethernet Cable is comprised of eight, 24 AWG, polymer insulated, solid core copper conductors, arranged in a twisted pair design. These pairs are individually shielded before the bundle is wrapped in two additional layers of braided shielding. This screened foiled twisted pair (s/ftp) design fully eliminates cross-talk while improving noise resistance and maintaining the integrity of data files being transferred over long distances.Provided with factory-terminated, shielded 8P8C/RJ45 connectors, this cable assures that no loss is incurred in the field. Each cable is constructed with the quality of fabrication, precision and consistency needed to ensure a guaranteed improvement over standard issue, mass-produced, low precision Ethernet cables. Technical Details Insulation: High-Density Polymer Construction: Screened Foiled Twisted Pair Design (s/ftp) Conductors: 8 x 24 AWG Material: Solid core copper conductors Overall Shield Coverage: Fully Shielded Dual Braid Termination: Shielded 8P8C/RJ45 connectors

Ab 570,00 €*
Nordost Blue Heaven, XLR-Kabel
Nordost Blue Heaven, XLR-Kabel (1 Paar) The Blue Heaven LS Analog Interconnect is a fully-shielded design that can be terminated for balanced or single-ended connection. It employs four, heavy-gauge 24 AWG, silver-plated 99.9999% OFC solid core conductors, precision wound in a minimum cross-section configuration that eliminates unnecessary fillers or padding elements. The insulation is high-grade FEP, selected for its superior dielectric performance, while the elegant minimalism extends to the carefully selected low-mass connectors and differential grounding. The result is a high-speed, low-loss interconnect that preserves the sense of musical power and momentum, bringing believable shape and presence to performers, color, life and drama to their performances. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay Conductors: 4 x 24 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 45.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.046μH/ft Overall Shield Coverage: 95% Velocity of Propagation: 80% Termination: Gold-plated XLR

Ab 550,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2, Cinch-Kabel
Nordost Frey 2, Cinch-Kabel (1 Paar) Norse 2 Series interconnects deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Dual Mono-Filament construction, first introduced on the legendary Valhalla reference cables, creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. When combined with silver-plated OFC solid core conductors and FEP insulation throughout, the result is the ideal electrically and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-loss signal transfer. Optimized conductor dimensions significantly extend the musical performance of the new Norse 2 Series, finally allowing your equipment to deliver its full performance potential, while the consistency of design and materials across the entire Norse 2 Series means that you can easily prioritize a system-wide solution without compromising the coherence of your cables.Due to an increased number of conductors, the Frey 2 Analog Interconnect allows for an enhanced ground integrity, lower noise floor, greater detail, dynamic range and musical impact. Increased weight and energy at bandwidth extremes means more scale and greater drama, while at the other end of the scale, the blacker backgrounds and greater resolution increase delicacy and intimacy, allowing you to hear further into the performance, making Frey 2 the perfect interconnect for critical signal paths. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, length and Dual Mono-Filament design Conductors: 5 x 24 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 28.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.055μH/ft Overall Shield Coverage: 97% Velocity of Propagation: 85% Termination: Gold-plated Nordost MoonGlo® RCA

Ab 1.785,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2, Lautsprecher-Kabel
Nordost Frey 2, Lautsprecher-Kabel (1 Paar) Norse 2 Series loudspeaker cables deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament construction creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. When combined with silver-plated OFC solid core conductors and extruded, flat ribbon FEP insulation, the result is the ideal electrically and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-loss signal transfer between amplifier and loudspeakers.Frey 2 Speaker Cables offer superb detail, dynamic range and weight, recreating the natural beauty and impact of any musical performance. The use of consistent technology and materials across the Norse 2 Series allows you to easily build a coherent cable solution, maximizing system performance. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned spacing, length and Micro Mono-Filament design Conductors: 22 x 22 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 10.3pF/fInductance: 0.135μH/ft Velocity of Propagation: 96% Terminations: Gold-plated Spade or Z-plug Banana

Ab 3.800,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2, Netzkabel
Nordost Frey 2, Netzkabel Norse 2 Series power cords deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament construction creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. When combined with silver-plated OFC solid core conductors and FEP insulation throughout, the result is the ideal electrically and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-impedance current and voltage transfer. The complex topology of Micro Mono-Filament conductors is especially effective in dissipating mechanical energy present on the AC line, which otherwise enters your delicate electronics rendering dynamic responses sluggish and blurry. Consistency of design and materials across the entire Norse 2 Series means that you can easily create a clearly prioritized, no compromise system-wide cable solution, from wall socket to loudspeaker terminals, with each link in the chain specifically optimized for purpose, finally unleashing your equipment’s full performance potential. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, length and Micro Mono-Filament design Conductors: 5 x 16 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC DC Resistance: 2.0 Ohms per 1000ft Velocity of Propagation: 85% Termination: EU (Schuko) to IEC-C15 or IEC-C19 connectors. Figure 8 IEC-C7 also available

Ab 2.620,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2, USB Kabel Typ C
Nordost Frey 2, USB Kabel Type C The Frey 2 USB Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts integrating computer audio into their sound systems when using components that require USB C connectors. This cable uses solid core, silver-plated 99.99999% OFC signal conductors. The use of solid core conductors eliminates the negative effects of strand interaction and skin effect. Each conductor is precision wound to correspond accurately with USB’s unique, hybrid twisted pair/non twisted pair geometry. The Frey 2 cable utilizes Nordost’s proprietary FEP Micro Mono-Filament technology, which lowers the capacitance of the cable, both increasing signal speed and bandwidth. The conductors are then shielded with a dual layer of braid and foil shielding to eliminate EMI and RFI, and even comply with 3.0 standards. Before being terminated, these cables are cut to mechanically tuned lengths, which reduce internal microphonics and high-frequency impedance resonance. The Frey 2 USB Cable ensures that your system will achieve the superb sound staging, wide dynamic range, and precise timing you have been looking for in computer audio. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned length, Micro Mono-Filament, hybrid twisted pair/non twisted pair geometry Material: Solid core, silver-plated 99.99999% OFC Overall Shield Coverage: 100% Total coverage Termination: Type C to Standard B 2.0, Standard B 3.0, Micro B 3.0, or Standard A 3.0

Ab 860,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2, XLR-Kabel
Nordost Frey 2, XLR-Kabel (1 Paar) Norse 2 Series interconnects deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. Nordost’s proprietary Dual Mono-Filament construction, first introduced on the legendary Valhalla reference cables, creates a virtual air dielectric complete with an elegantly engineered suspension system. When combined with silver-plated OFC solid core conductors and FEP insulation throughout, the result is the ideal electrically and mechanically controlled construction for ultra-fast, low-loss signal transfer. Optimized conductor dimensions significantly extend the musical performance of the new Norse 2 Series, finally allowing your equipment to deliver its full performance potential, while the consistency of design and materials across the entire Norse 2 Series means that you can easily prioritize a system-wide solution without compromising the coherence of your cables.Due to an increased number of conductors, the Frey 2 Analog Interconnect allows for an enhanced ground integrity, lower noise floor, greater detail, dynamic range and musical impact. Increased weight and energy at bandwidth extremes means more scale and greater drama, while at the other end of the scale, the blacker backgrounds and greater resolution increase delicacy and intimacy, allowing you to hear further into the performance, making Frey 2 the perfect interconnect for critical signal paths. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, length and Dual Mono-Filament design Conductors: 5 x 24 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Capacitance: 28.0pF/ft Inductance: 0.055μH/ft Overall Shield Coverage: 97% Velocity of Propagation: 85% Termination: Gold-plated Nordost MoonGlo® XLR

Ab 1.785,00 €*
Nordost Frey 2+, Tonarmkabel
Nordost Frey 2+, Tonarmkabel The tonearm lead is one of the most critical audio cables in an analog system. As such, it demands a purpose-built, low capacitance conduit, in order to maximize the authentic and natural musical reproduction that LPs offer. The Frey 2+ Tonearm Cable is virtually noiseless, with rapid transmission speed and the highest bandwidth capabilities, thanks to its twisted pair design, individualized shielding, and Nordost’s proprietary Dual Mono-Filament technology. It also employs a separately shielded, silver-plated bond wire, wrapped in Micro Mono-Filament, to minimize noise from the line. However, the most exciting aspect of this cable design is its revolutionary grounding solution. Nordost has introduced detachable ground whips, complete with Micro Mono-Filament technology, that further eliminate any noise that could be introduced during signal transfer, regardless of the unique construction of the components found in each individual sound system. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Conductors: 4x26 AWG Construction: 2 Twisted pairs individually shielded. Mechanically tuned lay and lengths. Dual Mono-Filament design. Material: Silver plated 99.99999% OFC Solid Core Conductors Capacitance: 11.77pF/ft (38.5pF/m) Velocity of Propagation: 76% Overall Shield Coverage: 98% Bond / Grounding Whips: 24 AWG silver-plated, stranded OFC, Micro Mono-Filament design. Terminations: MoonGlo® Straight or 90° low-mass 5-pin Din, RCA, or XLR connectors. Terminations (Whips & Bond): Whips and bond wire terminated with gold-plated 5mm spades.

Ab 2.080,00 €*
Nordost Heimdall 2, 4K UHD HDMI Kabel
Nordost Heimdall 2, 4K UHD HDMI Kabel Nordost’s Heimdall 2 4K UHD Cable is the first cable on the market that can deliver the true experience promised from 4K compatible components. Every aspect in design and build material used in the construction of this cable was specifically chosen to increase bandwidth and data transfer speed (which must fall between 10.2 and 18GHz to qualify as a true UHD cable), while simultaneously eliminating harmful factors such as jitter, timing errors and crosstalk. The Heimdall 2 4K UHD Cable is constructed using nineteen, 25 AWG solid core conductors, which have been plated with silver in order to enhance the flow of ultra-high frequency current used to carry TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling) from transmitter to receiver. The conductors are then wrapped in Nordost’s proprietary Micro Mono-Filament technology, increasing the velocity of propagation by 20%, and arranged in a twin-axial, shielded pair design. This design topology allows for shorter and more accurate wire lengths, which in turn reduces errors, while shielding overcomes any crosstalk issues. Technical Details Insulation: Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Construction: Mechanically tuned lay, Micro Mono-Filament, twin-axial shielded pair design Conductors: 19 x 25 AWG Material: Silver-plated 99.99999% solid core OFC Overall Shield Coverage: 100% Total coverage Velocity of Propagation: 86% Terminations: Gold-plated, shielded, 19 pin, type A, High Definition connector Approvals: DPL 4K Certification

Ab 770,00 €*
Nordost Heimdall 2, Cat 7 Netzwerkkabel
Nordost Heimdall 2, Cat 7 Netzwerkkabel The Heimdall 2 Ethernet Cable allows hifi enthusiasts to integrate Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices and music streaming into their hifi systems, while simultaneously improving the sound quality. Nordost has developed a unique design that allows its cable to surpass industry standards. The Heimdall 2 Ethernet Cable consists of eight 23 AWG polymer insulated conductors, arranged in four individually shielded, twisted pairs, which are then wrapped in braided, silver-plated copper shielding, and encased within a high-density polymer insulation. This fully shielded cable construction virtually eliminates the crosstalk and electromagnetic interference (EMI) that has always afflicted previous network cables.To additionally enhance the performance of their new Ethernet Cable, Nordost has implemented mechanical tuning in order to reduce internal microphony and high frequency resonance. The precise cut of each conductor also ensures the uniform arrival of all signals, dramatically reducing timing errors. The resulting cable can support frequencies of 1000MHz and transmission speeds of up to 40Gbits/second, offering far more bandwidth than is needed for the typical data demands of today. To complete its excellent build, the Heimdall 2 Ethernet Cable is terminated with a completely shielded and ruggedized 8P8C/RJ45 connector designed to further resist EMI and Electro Static Discharge (ESD).Each cable is constructed with the quality of fabrication, precision and consistency needed to ensure a guaranteed improvement over standard issue, mass-produced, low precision Ethernet cables. Technical Details Insulation: High-Density Polymer Construction: Mechanically tuned length, Screened Foiled Twisted Pair Design (s/ftp) Conductors: 8 x 23 AWG Material: Solid core copper conductors Overall Shield Coverage: Fully Shielded Dual Braid Termination: Shielded, Ruggedized 8P8C/RJ45 connectors

Ab 980,00 €*


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