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ProAc K6, Standlautsprecher

Produktinformationen "ProAc K6, Standlautsprecher"

ProAc K6, Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis)

The K6 is designed for audiophiles and music lovers who are looking for a true high-end loudspeaker offering smooth reproduction and an impressively flat response throughout the frequency range.

Their specialist handmade ProAc Kevlar 6 ½ inch drivers are seamlessly crossed over to a 2-inch dome midrange, the horn of which is manufactured from billet aluminium and for the high frequencies, ProAc’s proven ribbon tweeter has been chosen.

The cabinet on the K6 is a traditional mixture from ProAc of HDF materials of different thicknesses heavily damped with bitumen. Indeed, the carcass including bitumen is 35mm thick.

The combination of our research into composite materials and their ingredients, have produced a stunningly accurate and detailed loudspeaker with an electrostatic or panel-like quality without the drawbacks. Sound is reproduced effortlessly with incredible detail and pinpoint imagery, something which can often be muddled by conventional drive units.

The legendary ProAc qualities of large sound staging and life-like imaging capabilities complete a highly musical and engaging loudspeaker.

Technical Details

  • Nominal Impedance:  4 ohms
  • Recommended Amplifiers: 10-250W
  • Frequency Response: 25Hz-30Khz
  • Sensitivity: 90 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre
  • Bass /midrange drivers: 2x ProAc 165mm (6.5”) Studio professional drive units with polymer impregnated Kevlar cones.
  • Midrange: ProAc 50mm (2”) soft dome with a CNC machined 6061 aluminium alloy air coupling
  • Tweeter: ProAc ribbon with diaphragm as light as a human hair, alnico magnet and rear chamber damping.
  • Crossover: Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board. ProAc multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi Wiring or Bi Amplification.
  • Height (Cabinet): 1150mm
  • Width (Cabinet): 212mm
  • Depth (Cabinet): 344mm
  • Weight: 44kg each cabinet
  • Mode: Floor standing
  • Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene
  • Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Oak, Silk White, Natural Oak and Walnut
  • Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*ProAc K6, StandlautsprecherProAc K6, Standlautsprecher
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Weitere Produkte + Angebote von ProAc :

ProAc Haendler
ProAc - High End Lautsprecher from UK Feine High End Lautsprecher von der Insel.ProAc verzichtet bewußt auf viel ChiChi und Marketing.Musikalität und Qualität ist die Ansage.Seit 50 Jahren baut ProAc hervorragende High End Lautsprecher, die weltweit viele Fans gefunden haben. Wer einen ProAc Lautsprecher an guter Elektronik hört, wird schnell verstehen worum es geht. Erleben Sie hochmusikalische ProAc Lautsprecher beim ProAc Händler Ihres Vertrauens - Art&Voice !
ProAc K1, Kompaktlautsprecher
ProAc K1, Kompaktlautsprecher (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) Due to the success of the 'K Series’ floor-standing speakers, ProAc were asked to produce a stand-mounted speaker for the range.And, after years of research and development, ProAc designed the K1.The K1 stand-mounted speaker uses their specialist Kevlar cone and proven ribbon tweeter, which is used throughout the K Series range. They have however, made certain modifications to the cabinet, bass driver and tweeter to make it adaptable and suitable for a stand-mounted loudspeaker.Although the K1 is a stand-mounted speaker, it has a surprisingly extended and accurate bass response with the familiar, beautiful midrange from the K Series bass drivers.The unique K design cabinet, with its vent porting, has been incorporated into the K1 alongside a specially designed dedicated stand to complement and bring out the best in the speaker. The K1 stand is also available separately.Considering its size, the K1 gives an impressive sound stage for a stand-mounted speaker with an almost electrostatic open midrange and very accurate bass, a characteristic of the K Series range.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms   Recommended Amplifiers: 10 to 150 watts Frequency Response: 28Hz to 30Khz Sensitivity: 90 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver/midrange: Bass and midrange frequencies are both covered by a single 6.5” (165mm) Kevlar coned unit, the Kevlar cone covers all frequencies up to 30Khz and slightly above. Tweeter Ribbon: The ProAc ribbon tweeter has a ribbon lighter than a human hair with rear chamber damping and alnico magnet. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board. ProAc Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height: 569mm Widht: 210mm Depth: 15.8 inches Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Natural Oak, Silk White and Walnut. Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony, Tamo Ash, Dark Eucalyptus *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost* Dedicated K1 stand available separately: Height 500mmm, Top plate 320mm x 190mm, 15kg each stand

Ab 10.200,00 €*
ProAc-K10_Dark Eucalyptus-front-close-up
ProAc K10, Standlautsprecher
ProAc K10, Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) ProAc would like to introduce the flagship model K10.The design team at ProAc has been striving for years to achieve a natural sound and in our opinion, they have achieved this. The K10 boasts excellent midrange detail and an impressive sound stage.The unique K10 cabinet design has been further developed incorporating our proven 8-inch Kevlar coned bass driver, giving a wonderfully extended and natural bass response.The K10 features the latest ProAc midrange unit with an ultra-lightweight 3-inch domed diaphragm loaded by a redesigned wave guide. This driver also has a felt open back to remove colouration, helping to achieve an outstanding open sound with exceptional detail.The crossover on the K10 has been further modified, allowing the midrange to work to a higher frequency, which not only increases the power handling but also reveals detail that was previously not heard.The ProAc ribbon tweeter, as used throughout the K Series range, gives a sweet and detailed high frequency.They urge people who are looking for the ultimate in sound reproduction to audition our flagship K10.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10 to 500 watts Frequency Response: 20Hz-30Khz Sensitivity: 91.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass Driver: 2x ProAc, 200mm (8”) professional drive units fitted with pure polymer impregnated and polished Kevlar weave cone with rear lacquer and concentric weighting. Midrange: ProAc 75m (3”) light diaphragm unit with a new open felt back to help with colouration from the rear. Tweeter Ribbon: The ProAc ribbon tweeter has a ribbon lighter than a human hair with rear chamber damping and alnico magnet. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board. ProAc Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 1499mm Width (Cabinet): 297mm Depth (Cabinet): 457mm Weight: 57kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Natural Oak, Silk White and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony, Tamo Ash, Dark Eucalyptus *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 57.000,00 €*
ProAc K3, Standlautsprecher
ProAc K3, Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) For their more compact floor-standing K Series speaker, the K3, a specific Kevlar drive unit needed to be developed.This driver works higher into the midrange frequencies and benefits from better detail and dispersion due to the incorporation of a phase plug.Two of these drive units are used with our ribbon tweeter placed centrally in our K constructed cabinet. A high-quality crossover was specially designed for the K3 to seamlessly mate with the ribbon tweeter. The crossover uses high quality components and is split for bi-wiring.As far as sound quality goes the K3 has a wonderfully electrostatic type of midrange which is very clear and detailed, with a dynamic bass response.The K3 is designed for our customers who want a compact speaker that can deliver a powerful sound with ease, such as full orchestral music or loud rock.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10-250W Frequency Response: 25Hz-30KhZ Sensitivity: 89 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: 2x ProAc 165mm (6.5”) special bass/midrange drive unit with Kevlar cone and phase plug. Tweeter: ProAc ribbon with diaphragm as light as a human hair, alnico magnet and rear chamber damping. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board. ProAc multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi Wiring or Bi Amplification. Height (Cabinet): 1073mm Width (Cabinet): 210mm Depth (Cabinet): 340mm Weight: 42kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Oak, Silk White, Natural Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost

Ab 17.000,00 €*
ProAc K6 Signature, Standlautsprecher
ProAc K6 Signature, Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) The K6 Signature uses a similar cabinet to the K6 being an excellent size with its tall slim design. However, the K6 Signature is different in many ways.To begin with, the drive unit layout has been redesigned to place the ribbon tweeter at ear level when listening in a seated position and a ProAc 3-inch midrange is now used (as opposed to the 2-inch unit used in the K6).This 3-inch midrange gives better detail and a seamless transition from low to mid frequencies. This larger midrange dome is produced by ProAc and has a billet aluminium wave guide with a special vented chamber to the rear.The K6 Signature bass drivers are now sited at the top and bottom of the unit layout which helps to achieve a cleaner more extended bass response.Designed as a true high-end loudspeaker, the K6 Signature offers an impressively accurate sound reproduction that has an amazingly flat response throughout the frequency range.An impressive addition to any audiophile and music lovers’ home, the K6 Signature not only has a stunning sound but also spectacular looks.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10-250W Frequency Response: 25Hz-30Khz Sensitivity: 90 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: 2x ProAc 165mm (6.5”) Studio professional drive units with polymer impregnated Kevlar cones. Midrange: ProAc 75mm (3”) soft dome unit with special horn and rear chamber. Tweeter: ProAc ribbon with diaphragm as light as a human hair, alnico magnet and rear chamber damping. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated dual layer circuit board. ProAc multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi Wiring or Bi Amplification. Height (Cabinet): 1150mm Width (Cabinet): 212mm Depth (Cabinet): 344mm Weight: 44kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Oak, Silk White, Natural Oak and Walnut Premium Finish: Rosewood, Ebony, Tamo Ash, Dark Eucalyptus *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 31.000,00 €*
ProAc Response D20D (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher, Highlight
ProAc Response D20D (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher, Highlight (Paarpreis) The Response D20 has proven to be one of ProAc’s most successful designs.Available with the choice of either a dome (D20D) or a ribbon (D20R) tweeter.The cabinet design uses the same type of bass loading as the D30S and D48 models which makes the speaker easier to position with respect to its frequency response.The result is a wonderful open and expansive midrange with a substantial bass and sweet and detailed high frequencies from either ProAc tweeter option. A large sound stage is also a bonus.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 180 watts Frequency Response: 28Hz-33kHz Sensitivity: 88.5dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) unit features glass fibre weave cone, Excel magnet system and unique acrylic damping phase plug. Dome tweeter option D20D: ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome air cooled and inner damping. Mirror image offset. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 978mm on spikes Width (Cabinet): 193 mm Depth (Cabinet): 282 mm Weight: 24kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 5.600,00 €*
ProAc Response D20R (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher, Highlight!
ProAc Response D20R (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher, Highlight!
ProAc Response D20R (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher, Highlight ! (Paarpreis) The Response D20 has proven to be one of ProAc’s most successful designs.Available with the choice of either a dome (D20D) or a ribbon (D20R) tweeter.The cabinet design uses the same type of bass loading as the D30S and D48 models which makes the speaker easier to position with respect to its frequency response.The result is a wonderful open and expansive midrange with a substantial bass and sweet and detailed high frequencies from either ProAc tweeter option. A large sound stage is also a bonus.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 180 watts Frequency Response: 28Hz-33kHz Sensitivity: 88.5dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) unit features glass fibre weave cone, Excel magnet system and unique acrylic damping phase plug. Ribbon tweeter option D20R: The ProAc ribbon tweeter has a ribbon lighter than a human hair with rear chamber damping and alnico magnet. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 978mm on spikes Width (Cabinet): 193 mm Depth (Cabinet): 282 mm Weight: 24kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 5.600,00 €*
ProAc Response D2D (Dome Tweeter), Kompaktlautsprecher, Highlight!
ProAc Response D2D (Dome Tweeter), Kompaktlautsprecher, Highlight!
ProAc Response D2D (Dome Tweeter), Kompaktlautsprecher, Highlight ! (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) A superb midrange and build quality, make this a true compact monitor.The D2 is the current version of the speaker that introduced the Response Range to the world over 30 years ago.Available with the option of either dome or ribbon tweeters, the Response D2 continues the ProAc tradition of producing the finest quality monitor speakers.Incorporating our proven cabinet construction techniques and materials with a front facing reflex port, gives the response D2 a pure and potent bass for its compact dimensions.Whether you choose the dome or ribbon version of the Response D2, it will give true monitor performance and we are sure you will be astounded with the extreme transparency and pinpoint imagery that this model delivers.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 150 watts Frequency Response: 30Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 88.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) ProAc unit with Excel magnet system, glass fibre wave cone and copper phase plug Dome tweeter option D2D: ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome air cooled and inner damping. Mirror image offset Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 430mm Width (Cabinet): 203mm Depth (Cabinet): 260mm including grill thickness of 12mm Weight: each 11kg Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Silk White Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 4.500,00 €*
ProAc Response D2R (Ribbon Tweeter), Kompaktlautsprecher, Highlight!
ProAc Response D2R (Ribbon Tweeter), Kompaktlautsprecher, Highlight ! (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) A superb midrange and build quality, make this a true compact monitor.The D2 is the current version of the speaker that introduced the Response Range to the world over 30 years ago.Available with the option of either dome or ribbon tweeters, the Response D2 continues the ProAc tradition of producing the finest quality monitor speakers.Incorporating our proven cabinet construction techniques and materials with a front facing reflex port, gives the response D2 a pure and potent bass for its compact dimensions.Whether you choose the dome or ribbon version of the Response D2, it will give true monitor performance and we are sure you will be astounded with the extreme transparency and pinpoint imagery that this model delivers.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 150 watts Frequency Response: 30Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 88.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) ProAc unit with Excel magnet system, glass fibre wave cone and copper phase plug Ribbon tweeter option D2R: The ProAc ribbon tweeter has a ribbon lighter than a human hair with rear chamber damping and alnico magnet. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 430mm Width (Cabinet): 203mm Depth (Cabinet): 260mm including grill thickness of 12mm Weight: each 11kg Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Silk White Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 5.000,00 €*
ProAc Response D30DS (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D30DS (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D30DS (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) The ProAc Response D30S is available with either a dome or ribbon tweeter, known as the D30DS and D30RS respectively.ProAc developed a specific bass driver for this model using a cone similar to that used in our Response D48. The cone is made from pulp and mica and is coated with an acoustic dope. It also now features a phase plug to improve detail at the crossover point, giving a more natural sound.The Response D30S models offer a beautifully flat response. The bespoke bass driver and crossover giving better midrange detail and a wider sound stage.The D30S offers an exceptional accurate portrayal of the music giving powerful bass and excellent midrange detail with low colouration. This speaker is also easy to drive, through a crossover using the finest quality components and our beautiful nickel silver terminals.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10 to 200 watts Frequency Response: 20Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 89dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) unit fitted with an acoustically damped Pagina Mica cone with phase plug. Dome tweeter option D30DS: ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome air cooled and inner damping. Mirror image offset. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 1041mm on spikes Width (Cabinet): 266mm Depth (Cabinet): 311mm Weight: 28kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 8.750,00 €*
ProAc Response D30RS (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D30RS (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D30RS (Ribbon Tweeter), Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) The ProAc Response D30S is available with either a dome or ribbon tweeter, known as the D30DS and D30RS respectively.ProAc developed a specific bass driver for this model using a cone similar to that used in our Response D48. The cone is made from pulp and mica and is coated with an acoustic dope. It also now features a phase plug to improve detail at the crossover point, giving a more natural sound.The Response D30S models offer a beautifully flat response. The bespoke bass driver and crossover giving better midrange detail and a wider sound stage.The D30S offers an exceptional accurate portrayal of the music giving powerful bass and excellent midrange detail with low colouration. This speaker is also easy to drive, through a crossover using the finest quality components and our beautiful nickel silver terminals.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10 to 200 watts Frequency Response: 20Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 89dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: ProAc 165mm (6.5”) unit fitted with an acoustically damped Pagina Mica cone with phase plug. Ribbon tweeter option D30RS: The ProAc ribbon tweeter has a ribbon lighter than a human hair with rear chamber damping and alnico magnet. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 1041mm on spikes Width (Cabinet): 266mm Depth (Cabinet): 311mm Weight: 28kg each cabinet Mode: Floor standing Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 8.750,00 €*
ProAc Response D48D (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D48D (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response D48 D (Dome Twetter), Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) Areas of improvement have been midrange detail and a cleaner, faster and more extended bass response.A studio monitor quality bass driver was designed for the D48 which features a special impregnated cone and mid frequencies tuned by a cap of greater size than standard. This gives the unit greater midrange detail along with excellent bass control.The two bass drivers are each loaded through our special floor loading with side vents, this makes the loudspeaker easier to sight and reacts less to surroundings. The bass units are then seamlessly mated to our ribbon or dome tweeter (depending on your preference), using ProAc’s high quality filter network design, comprising of the finest components.With such a large, slim, floor-standing design, the sound stage is superb being very large with pinpoint imagery. Another achievement for the D48 is its ability to effortlessly create large orchestral works as well as heavy rock music.This is one of the best designs from ProAc and should please all audiophiles regardless of their taste in music.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 10 to 250 watts Frequency Response: 20Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 90dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: 2x ProAc 165mm (6.5”) Studio monitor design units with special coating and dust cap tunning. Dome tweeter option D48D: ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome air cooled and inner damping. Mirror image offset. Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 1200mm on spiekes Width (Cabinet): 212mm Depth (Cabinet): 340mm Weight: 39kg each cabinet Mode: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 11.400,00 €*
ProAc Response DB1, Kompaktlautsprecher
ProAc Response DB1, Kompaktlautsprecher (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) Small appearance with large stage presence. Meet the Response DB1With the DB1, ProAc has achieved in a small speaker, a sound normally associated with a larger speaker, particularly the bass response.The DB1 cabinet is made from different thicknesses of high density MDF and further damped by bitumen to control cabinet resonance. A newly designed long throw bass driver was used and ported at the rear. The cone is made from pulp and mica which is then elastic coated and fitted with their ProAc acrylic pole damping phase plug.The crossover was designed to give a flatter response at high levels and the tweeter is the ProAc 1-inch silk dome similar to that used in other ProAc Response models.The midrange and high frequencies of the DB1 are superb and in the ProAc tradition, low in colouration and high in detail. The bass driver gives a wonderful bass quality, punchy and extended, similar to that which is experienced in a larger enclosure. The resulting sound stage is also comparable to that of a larger speaker.Small mini monitor type loudspeakers, such as the DB1 have become very popular for those wishing for a high-quality sound with a minimal visual impact.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 100 watts Frequency Response: 35Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 87.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange: ProAc 127mm (5”) long throw unit with Pagina Mica cone and acrylic phase plug. Tweeter: ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome with special coolant Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height (Cabinet): 320mm   Width (Cabinet): 182mm Depth (Cabinet): 280mm Weight: each 8.8kg Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Silk White Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 3.750,00 €*
ProAc Response DB3,Kompaktlautsprecher
ProAc Response DB3, Kompaktlautsprecher (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) The Response DB3 has a similar cabinet size to the Response DB1 but there are structural and visual differences. The DB3 also employs a different bass driver with a special surround, dust cap and crossover which have been chosen for their exceptional performance at a more affordable price.The Response DB3 has a wonderfully rich and extended bass quality, loaded with a single reflex port at the rear of the cabinet. The tweeter is their ProAc 1-inch soft dome as used in other Response Range designs. This 1-inch silk dome has a superb flat response with electrostatic type detail and sweetness.With the DB3, ProAc has created a small speaker with better efficiency and a rich sound that defies its physical size.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 100 watts Frequency Response: 38Hz-30kHz Sensitivity:  88.5 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange: ProAc 127mm (5”) long throw unit with Pagina Mica cone and transparent dust cap Tweeter:  ProAc 25mm (1”) silk dome with special coolant Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi wiring or Bi amplification Height: 320mm Width: 182mm Depth: 280mm Weight: each 8.8kg Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut, Oak, Silk White Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 2.850,00 €*
ProAc Response DT8, Standlautsprecher
ProAc Response DT8, Standlautsprecher (Paarpreis) ProAc invests a great deal of time researching the choice of diaphragm material for their drive units.Some materials excel at certain frequencies and therefore it is logical to use more than one type of drive unit material to cover all frequencies.The Response DT8, incorporates these design parameters for the first time in a ProAc two-way design. Utilising 2 x 6.5-inch drivers, the pulp mica cone unit delivers exceptional bass performance in a ported cabinet with the bass loaded via side vents. The polypropylene unit gives a smooth, detailed and uncoloured midrange. Both drivers work in tandem, resulting in a well extended low frequency response and ProAc’s natural sounding midrange with pinpoint imagery.These frequency ranges are then cleverly overlapped by a Stewart Tyler designed crossover, which seamlessly integrates ProAc’s proven 1-inch soft dome tweeter. The tweeter is mounted in an offset position between the two bass drivers.The Response DT8 takes its place in the ProAc range as their entry level floor-standing design.They believe that this innovative loudspeaker will create interest in the mixing and matching of drive unit materials to effectively cover all types of music.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 20 to 180 watts Frequency Response: 28Hz-30kHz Sensitivity: 90 dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: 2x 6.5” bass/mid units. One driver with Pagina Mica cone and open weave dust cap and one driver with polypropylene cone with soft polypropylene dust cap. Both units working in tandem. Tweeter: Specially designed crossover to accommodate two different types of bass/mid cones. Glass fibre board with finest components using multistrand copper wire designed for use with both Bi-amping and Bi-wiring. Height (Cabinet): 978mm on spikes Width (Cabinet): 193mm Depth (Cabinet): 229mm Weight: 26kg each Mode: Stand mounting Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Oak, Silk White and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 4.250,00 €*
ProAc Tablette 10 Signature, Kompaktlautsprecher, Mini-Highlight !
ProAc Tablette 10 Signature, Kompaktlautsprecher, Mini-Highlight !
ProAc Tablette 10 Signature, Kompaktlautsprecher (Paarpreis ohne Ständer) Following the success of the Tablette 10, ProAc decided to develop the design even further and produce a Signature version.The Tablette 10 Signature shares the attributes of the Tablette 10 but has a larger more projected midrange giving excellent sound stage with a feeling of size, which is often missing in small loudspeakers.A great deal of time was taken to design a new bass driver with an excel magnet system and our own solid copper phase plug.After many months of measuring and listening by Stewart Tyler, the hand-built crossover was fine-tuned to obtain the best results from the bass driver.The end product is a speaker similar to the Tablette 10 in sound but, on certain types of music and voice reproduction, advantages of the Tablette 10 Signature can be easily heard.As with the Tablette 10, the Signature can be used with its back against the wall or alternatively, on good quality stands.Punching well above its weight, the Tablette 10 Signature has taken the iconic ProAc Tablette design to its ultimate level of performance.Technical Details Nominal Impedance: 10 ohms Recommended Amplifiers: 5 – 50W Frequency Response: 55Hz – 30kHz Sensitivity: 86dB linear for 1 watt at 1 metre Bass /midrange drivers: ProAc 127mm (5”) Pagina Mica cone with acoustic coating and copper excel magnet system with solid copper phase plug. Tweeter: ProAc 25mm (1”) ProAc silk dome air cooled and inner damping Crossover: Finest components on dedicated circuit board. Multistrand oxygen free copper cable throughout. Split for optional Bi Wiring and Bi Amplification. Height (Cabinet): 305mm Width (Cabinet): 191mm Depth (Cabinet): 159mm Weight: each 5.5kg Mode: Stand mounting recommended can be shelf mounted if necessary Grille: Acoustically transparent crimplene Standard Finishes: Black Ash, Mahogany, Cherry, Silk White, Natural Oak and Walnut Premium Finishes: Rosewood, Ebony. *Premium Finishes to order at extra cost*

Ab 2.800,00 €*


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